Hello and thank you for approving my forum account.

Linux user coming from a year of Artix. Artix is an excellent distribution but I believe that Obarun may be a better fit for me.

Complements on the installer. Outside Eric's expired key which took a few minutes to correct, the install went smoothly--the updated 9/1 ISOs do not have the issue. Nice clean interface with the customization options that will meet most peoples' needs. Very nice.

Next is to figure out your ISO build process to incorporate OpenZFS as I did with Arch and Artix.

Wish me luck! :)
Create a directory at an abitrary place. Note the last directory name is important, call it mounted
% mkdir -p ~/Tmp/install/mounted
Place this following simple script at ~/Tmp/install called e.g createdisk.
# !/usr/bin/bash

if [[ -z "${1}" ]];then
    echo "give a name for the image to create"
    exit 1

create() {
    local name="${1}"

    # create an empty file of 5G
    oblog "Create disk image: ${name}"
    truncate -s 5G "${name}"

    # format that image
    oblog "Format: ${name}"
    mkfs.ext4 -m 1 -v "${name}"

    # umount the previous mountpoint in case
    # of successively use of the script
    oblog "Umount mounted directory"
    umount -R mounted/

    # mount it
    oblog "Mount ${name}.img to mounted/"
    mount "${name}" mounted/

    # same as previous, in case of successive use
    # we erase the things done previously
    oblog "Delete mounted/{boot,home}"
    rm -rf mounted/boot
    rm -rf mounted/home
    oblog "Create directories mounted/{boot,home}"

    # finally create the boot, home directory
    mkdir mounted/{boot,home}


if (( EUID ));then
    oblog -f "you need to be root"
    exit 111

create "${1}"
Move to the ~/Tmp/install directory, make the createdisk script executable and launch it.

This will create a virtual disk of 5G of size mounted at the directory ~/Tmp/install/mounted.
% cd ~/Tmp/install
% chmod +x createdisk
% sudo ./createdisk mysystem
mysystem is the name of the virtual disk.
Note: the script create a disk of 5G as size. You can increase/decrease it by changing the 5G value at the line
truncate -s 5G "${name}"
Now, you can install what you want on this directory.

Launch the obarun-install script and pick your /home/<user>/Tmp/install/mounted directory with the choose 1 on the obarun-install main menu.
Install the system as usual with obarun-install.(Note: you can create your own obarun-install-themes)
Obviously, you are not forced to use obarun-install to make this fresh installation. You can use what you want like pacstrap or directly by hand.

Install the obarun-mkiso.
% sudo pacman -S obarun-mkiso
Edit the /etc/obarun/mkiso.conf and set UPDATE="yes". At start, it will install the last commit of the obarun-mkiso project as obarun-install do when it ask you to udpate the script.

Launch the obarun-mkiso script
% sudo obarun-mkiso
Pick your /home/<user>/Tmp/install/mounted directory as directory to copy on ISO. Let the script doing the job. It will provide you an ISO from the fresh install made at /home/<user>/Tmp/install/mounted :).

Note, if you use multiple time the obarun-mkiso script do not forget to erase your previous build picking the number 13 at the obarun-mkiso main menu.

EDIT: maybe this explanation should appear somewhere at the obarun wiki.
Thank you, Eric.

I will build a virtual machine and work through your instructions. At a glance, your process is very different from my Artix-OpenZFS ISO build, but I am excited to compare and learn from the differences.

I am grateful for you giving me a starting place. I will start a new post in the Installation forum area as I have questions.

On the topic of the Obarun Wiki, I am happy to provide my finished markdown or transcribe to the wiki. I need to puzzle it out first. ;)
fungal_net wroteAlthough it may be unofficial and outdated, look at the obarun zfs repo.
Thank you, fungal_net.

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