Hi all!

I shall apologise for those of you who have no need of this short guide, but I thought it would help users new to Obarun to get it installed and set up quickly.

I have used several Linux Distro versions, based on several types of package manager, and configuration set ups.
When trying to install Obarun on my old 2010 Macbook recently, I had several issues, from the WiFi not working, to it failing to format and use the internal SSD and start the install.

Because most network guides, even from Arch, use systemd, there is not much info out there that made sense, or a complete method from any one source, so after trying several commands and methods, I thought I'd post here a very simple and quick 'how to' for any newcomers, so they can spend only minutes to install Obarun, not hours spent like myself :)

First off, start with the very latest Obarun ISO image available, I noted that the most recent version starts with trying to configure the WiFi upon boot up, which is great, although this still failed to 'stick' when I tried setting it up myself via this, and would connect then drop the connection again. It does however, have valid PGP keys, so there is no need to edit any config files, as the earlier image needed.

Anyway...Setting up WiFi from the command line, launch a terminal window first, then type the following commands;

First, find the name of your wireless interface;

this will return the name of your WiFi adapter, in my case it was wlp3s0b1 so this will be used in the rest of the examples where needed, replace this with the name of your own adapter.

Next, using the Network name (SSID of the router) and the WPA2 Password (the pre shared key from your router) set up the WPA Supplicant file to connect via WPA2 using the following syntax;

sudo wpa_passphrase NetworkSSID PreSharedKey /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

Note that there is only a single space between items, this will create the file wpa_supplicant.conf and populated it with the network name, network password (commented out), and a generated Hex value password key that the system will actually use instead of the plain text password given.

Now, we will make the adapter use this new file;

sudo wpa_supplicant -B -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -i wlp3s0b1

The -B tells it to send this to the background, and the -i is for the adapter, mine was wlp3s0b1 replace this with your own found earlier.

Next, we just need an IP address;

sudo dhcpcd

That's it for WiFi, you should now be connected to the internet, and the install can proceed..

The next sticking point, was the formatting for me, I'm not sure exactly what the problem was, but after trying twice, the third time I just deleted any partitions found using fdisk, and then formatted the entire drive to ext4 from the live ISO.

The next time I tried to install, it went without hitch, including creating all the needed partitions and formatting to btrfs which previously failed.
I'm using the installed Obarun to write this. guide :)

Hope this was of some use to someone along the way.
wpa_supplicant-66serv and dhcpcd-66serv must be installed and the services activate/enabled to run at next boot, if not running already.
check what you have and enable what is not running:
root tree is just a default from live, you can call your trees what you like:
% sudo 66-intree -zg | grep wpa
% sudo 66-intree -zg | dhcpcd
% sudo 66-enable -t root -FS wpa_supplicant dhcpcd
check again:
% sudo 66-intree -zg | grep wpa
% sudo 66-intree -zg | dhcpcd
You should get something like this:
               ├─(811,Enabled,classic) dhcpcd-log
               └─(812,Enabled,classic) dhcpcd

               ├─(841,Enabled,classic) wpa_supplicant-log
               └─(842,Enabled,classic) wpa_supplicant
Thank you for the reply!

I'm still very new to 66 set up.
Some other systems to simplify the procedure when you install a package it installs its service file and automatically enables it, even before it is configured. In obarun the choice is up to the sys-admin what to start, what to run and how, so it takes a little more involvement.
The right way to do it is to install for example sshd-66serv which will bring together its dependencies. But sshd will not run just because you installed it. You can make a tree special for sshd, call it ssh maybe (# 66-tree -n ssh), configure /etc/ssh/***.conf then enable it and start it at the same time (# 66-all -t ssh up) and (# 66-enable -t ssh sshd). You can have the tree be Enabled (# 66-tree -E ssh) meaning it will start at boot time, or disabled (# 66-tree -D ssh) and start it whenever you want. You can combine a bundle of service under that tree together with ssh. Every service you think can be configured to run just how you like it and when you like it. You can then make shortcuts such as: sshup : (% sudo 66-all -t ssh up) sshdown : (% sudo 66-all -t ssh down) and all services in ssh will start and stop with those simple commands. I use /usr/local/bin for such scripts and after editing them I use # chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sshup to make it executable.

Read the wiki for intro to 66 and let us know if something is not easy to understand or something needs to be added, so it can get better for everyone.

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