Something I haven't been able to find in any documentation: does Obarun execute /etc/rc upon boot? Or perhaps a similar script with another name?
once upon a time, /etc/rc.conf was used, but not any more..
i think, the equivalent is now /etc/66/conf/boot@ system/2.2.1/boot@ system
at least, this is where similar settings are set: eg: system clock mode, TZ, hostname, keymap etc..
for configure your boot:
# 66-env -e <editor> boot@ system
then enable it again to apply your changes
# 66-enable -t boot -F boot@ system
I changed the setting whether rc.local should be executed to 'yes', but now the system hangs on boot at the execution of rc.local. That is odd to me, since it's a simple script that runs without problem when I run it on a fully booted system. Is there anything I should be aware of, as to rules regarding what rc.local is allowed to contain?

Edit: I tried the obvious, and made a oneshot that calls the script. Unfortunately, it fails to execute:
lijster@ the-cloud [SSH] ~ % sudo 66-start -t root rclite        
66-start: info: Already down: rclite
/usr/bin/zsh: can't open input file:  /etc/  
s6-rc: warning: unable to start service rclite: command exited 127
66-start: fatal: unable to start services selection
The script runs fine when called from the terminal, I don't know why 66 has trouble calling it. The service is set to behave as root, permissions shouldn't be an issue then.

Another edit:

If I put
@ execute = ( bash /etc/ )
it works. Still odd that the rc.local execution fails.
The shebang is there [I tried multiple shebangs, they all work when I call the script from shell, they make no difference in the hanging behavior on boot], it is executable, it's root:root 0755.

First, please create a new thread on a different post. You're are on "About Obarun" section which is not the good place to discuss about system administration problem. Thanks for your comprehension.

Can please show us the exact contain of rc.local script?
First I disagree with the new thread in this case, the OP was about this specific issue
The original question of the post was Does "Obarun execute /etc/rc?" not "How /etc/rc works on Obarun". The answer was given at post # 3. The rest concern how to deal with it and apparently bugged.
So, in my point of view, it could be better to see at bug report section.

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