Greetings, I'm a long time Mint user who recently explored a range of desktops, distros, and inits. I'm a Python fan (although I do a lot of C and C++ and am a real fan of Rust) and devote some of my free time to assisting students in MIT's CS & Python courses on edX.

I've been aiming for lower power usage and responsiveness (as measured with typometer). So I've installed Obarun with JWM but I'm running dwm and it seems nearly perfect. Half a millisecond visual latency in xterm is the best I've seen and the boot speed is amazing (even after Devuan with runit).

Everything seems to have installed perfectly with Wine, PipeWire, jre, build tools, VSCodium, Vivaldi and LibreOffice all running smoothly. Only a few glitches as I googled for solutions. Hopefully I'll feel continue to feel this enthusiastic and make a positive contribution to the community.
Welcome kiki!

Yeah. Obarun is a very nice distribution. Light and agile.
Here's a couple of links discussing terminal latency. When I first read it I was using KDE Neon and terminator and perturbed that my PC ran a degree or two hotter than it did with Mint Cinnamon. My latencies with various terminals pretty well matched the article (including the new Rust terminals). Since then I discovered the joy of xterm, how much desktops and window managers affect latency (xfce is faster than mate but i3 is faster than both; and dwm is faster still), and finally that devuan is faster than debian and that obarun is the fastest I've found so far (to be fair I suspect that may be an Arch kernel thing).

With Obarun I see latencies of about 0.6 ms in xterm and 0.8 ms when running tmux in xterm using a middle of the road pc (Ryzen 5 3600).

Regarding getting typometer running, for Obarun I needed to use the Arch's java 8 despite using 11 on Debian so I removed later Java's and `sudo pacman -S jre8-openjdk` should do it.
~ > java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_292"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_292-b10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.292-b10, mixed mode)
and thanks techore.
I have not investigated this topic before outside of just reading reviews. Using kitty at the moment and considering Alacritty. Considering st, too. Essentially, I have been on kitty for the last year but exploring different terminals and figuring out what is important to me the last few months.

I've noted the typometer information. Thank you.
Try xterm with tmux ... seriously, old school is best by this measure.

Another nice thing about xterm is that all of the terminal control codes work properly and with tmux you get the multipane view that I became addicted to with terminator. One thing I didn't like was the Xterm symbol on my panel so I used to change it and the title to match specific applications. Code like this is useful when opening it (don't laugh at my OC, right ?)

`/usr/local/bin/xseticon -id $(/usr/bin/xdotool getwindowfocus) '<your path>/<your favourite icons>.png'`

Not an issue with dwm though ?
I use tmux for server administration and love it. Not really thought to use locally due to using a tiling window manager, but an excellent suggestion.

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