The init family package was upgraded. According to skarnet recommendation, a reboot can be a good idea.
However the boot@ service was also updated. Please do not forget to enable again the service before rebooting:
# 66-enable -t boot -F boot@ system
Without enabling again the service, the modules-system and local-tmpfiles service will crash. The opentmpfile and modules script previously found at /usr/lib/66/script directory are no longer provided by the boot@ -66serv package but independent and installed automatically with the boot@ -66serv package. This script can be found at /usr/bin directory.
Thanks for your attention.
Thank you for the heads up!
Hello Eric,
no luck this time ...
# 66-enable -t boot -F boot@ system
66-enable: info: launch script configure of module: boot@ system
boot@ system: info: enable service: tty-earlier@ tty12
boot@ system: info: disable service: devices-crypttab
boot@ system: info: enable service: system-fontnkey
boot@ system: info: enable service: mount-fstab
boot@ system: info: enable service: mount-swap
boot@ system: info: disable service: devices-lvm
boot@ system: info: disable service: devices-dmraid
boot@ system: info: disable service: devices-btrfs
boot@ system: info: disable service: devices-zfs
boot@ system: info: enable service: udevd
boot@ system: info: enable service: system-sysctl
boot@ system: info: disable service: local-rc
boot@ system: info: enable service: local-tmpfiles
boot@ system: info: enable service: modules-kernel
boot@ system: info: enable service: modules-system
boot@ system: info: enable service: system-random
boot@ system: info: enable service: mount-proc
boot@ system: info: enable service: mount-sys
boot@ system: info: enable service: mount-dev
boot@ system: info: enable service: mount-run
boot@ system: info: enable service: mount-tmp
boot@ system: info: enable service: mount-cgroups
boot@ system: info: enable service: mount-pts
boot@ system: info: enable service: mount-shm
boot@ system: info: enable service: mount-netfs
boot@ system: info: enable service: populate-sys
boot@ system: info: enable service: populate-dev
boot@ system: info: enable service: populate-run
boot@ system: info: enable service: populate-tmp
boot@ system: info: disable service: devices-zfs-import-cache
boot@ system: info: disable service: devices-zfs-import-scan
boot@ system: info: disable service: system-Devices
boot@ system: info: enable service: tty-rc@ tty1
boot@ system: info: enable service: tty-rc@ tty2
boot@ system: info: disable service: local-iptables
boot@ system: info: disable service: local-ip6tables
boot@ system: info: disable service: local-nftables
boot@ system: info: disable service: local-ebtables
boot@ system: info: disable service: local-arptables
boot@ system: info: successfully configured
s6-rc-compile: fatal: during resolution of bundle Master: undefined service name system-hostname
66-enable: fatal: unable to compile /tmp/boot:3GSiHB/boot
Any hint to resolve ... Thanks.
@ Galeano

I was able to boot system after downgraded boot@ -66serv (2.4.1-2 -> 2.3.1-1) ... also noticed that only was moved to /usr/bin folder, not ...
So, I'll wait a while to Eric check once more boot@ -66serv 2.4.1-2 package, before apply your third suggestion ...
BTW ... totaly agree with p8934

Many thanks fungal ...

P.S. All is OK now ... rebuilding the boot tree solved the problem ... many thanks again!

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