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Yesterday during the maintenance of the server I made a monumental mistake, I have deleted all Gitllab docker Volumes. I warned immediately Eric on XMPP and all the users available on the Obarun XMPP public channel. As if that was not enough for no reason I was also unable to send emails but this part is fixed now.

Fortunately I had made a backups and immediately I started my work to put the server back in place which was the most important thing to do at the first time. Things are almost back to the normal, unfortunately there is always a negative point when something like this happens for the first time. The backup was not dated from yesterday ( monday 24 Nov 2021 ) but older ( less than a month ) and data has been lost everywhere, the PKG repositories, the users OUR reporitories and more.

Regarding the PKG repositories I'm doing a daily synchronization on my local computer so it's just a matter of time to restore all the PKGBUILD to their last release on the repositories, however i can't do anything about the OUR repositories and I'm sorry about that,

If you have done a backup of your work on your local computer ( and you should ), you will be able to push your work again on your repository , I suppose it could be possible right now.

These are sysadmin mistakes, it happen but it never happened to me until yesterday. Let me know if you have any problem, thx.
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You're never tired of talking shit, bullshit that comes out of your completely sick brain. I take this opportunity to thoroughly review ALL the Pkgbuilds ...

PS: This is the Openldap pkgbuild as it was before I worked on it:
# Obarun : 66 init/supervisor
# Maintainer : Obarun Packagers <pkg@ obarun.org>
# Obarun PkgSrc : https://git.obarun.org/pkg/obcore/openldap
# ----------------
# Website : https://www.openldap.org/
# --------------------------------------------------------------

pkgname=('openldap' 'libldap')
I do not see you as the Maintainer, and we never prohibited that you add your username by yourself in the list of maintainers and this is how it has to be done. A Username ( First Name and Last Name ) and an official Email Adress.
From all those people you contacted you forgot to contact the ONE person that has done more than 90% of the work in the past month or two..
I tried, just ask on the Obarun XMPP channel. You are not reachable, you have been on IRC very very very rarely, you are on XMPP very rarely and as I said yesterday I had an issue with my email client ( ask Eric ). There was an urgency to fix the server first and I'm on it still right now.
Guys, I think you two need to resolve your private dispute or at least take it off of this forum.

The overall atmosphere went from super welcoming a few months ago to super toxic, where even an important announcement leads straight into this extended argument.

If you guys wanna row, please don't drag me into it. I can't speak for everyone but it's just horrible to witness.

I wish you both well.

Glad you got it recovered best you can Jean-michael...it's not a good feeling to accidentally push button resulting in data loss.

To think this dispute started with disagreement on KDE. Shows how hard it is to get along without opening floodgates to all hell breaking loose.

We all choose to be channels for certain spirits...let it be, G/Fungal accept we can't control everything to our satisfaction...if you can't channel a concilliatory spirit working with others, then make an offshoot. This is why there are so many religions& linux distros.

The truth is blurred by the unintentional game of telephone we play trying to pass down,maintain& communicate truth to posterity. That which has no beginning&end will sort it all out in the end... Make what you want to happen the best you can.
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it's not a good feeling to accidentally push button resulting in data loss.
Well, this button has been pushed more than one time, but this last time the Docker was in a different state when I pushed the button, and I did not immediately understand the mistake I done until the restart of the Gitlab Docker and when I have seen that I can not join the website as usual.
  • [deleted]

Git Obarun is fixed.

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