After a few weeks with spacefm I've dropped back to pcmanfm. Why? I like a dual pane file manager where the second pane is opened in the first panes path. Just makes the workflow simpler.

The only issue I have is that I need to mount usbs with spacefm or cli. Why, because I get "Not authorized to perform operation" when I click on the icon for the newly inserted usb. I've hunted around arch explanations of how to resolve the issues but can't quite translate them to Obarun.

Can anyone advise me what I should do to allow pcmanfm the same access as spacefm?
Create a file,
which has,
// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, it will be overwritten on update
// Default rules for polkit
// See the polkit(8) man page for more information
// about configuring polkit.

polkit.addAdminRule(function(action, subject) {
    return ["unix-group:wheel"];

polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
        if ("org.freedesktop.udisks") == 0) {
                return polkit.Result.YES;
and reboot. Make sure your id is in group "wheel"
Thanks @ chroot.

That worked perfectly.

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