Well, time to try something new.

After going through great pains attempting to remove elogind and the rest of that BS from Gentoo, I'm going to try Obarun instead. After all, what is the point of Gentoo so utra-configurable if you can't even remove such elements without completely removing you're ability to run a web browser or even start Xorg.

I'm a bit scared of the scant documentation of this distribution, but it seems like the only distro that takes a firm stance on the SystemD issue and doesn't require a PHD in CompSci.

Wish me luck!
  • [deleted]


It's difficult to understand your issue without more explanation about what you have tried to do, but anyway it's not the right place for that. Ask on the Gentoo forum. I never tried to remove elogind from Gentoo but this distribution is flexible enough that you already have the possibility to create your own overlay and with some work on the ebuild you can replace elogind by consolekit2 .

Welcome on Obarun btw :)

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