Hey Ladys, Hey Guys,

first: I love it that it is allowed to have a only 2 Character long Name :-)

Hehe, a little dream comes true.

Anyway, i found Obarun.

And im honest, im quiet didnt understand what this now is.

I used a long long time gentoo, than i got older and lazier, and used arch since than.

Im aware of Artix, used that few weeks too. And now found Obarun (cant even say how. because i didnt searched for it :D)

I read already few posts here and got only more confused.

Is it right that Obarun didnt maintain a complete own repo? Only for few packages that are needed for a systemd free operation? (i think of service files for networkmanager, libvirt, what_ever for example).

Or did i understand something wrong?

And the most stupid question would be maybe: Why should i use Obarun and not Artix if i want a systemd free arch-like system? :)

Sry for my bad english

Hehe, already a good start :)

Followed the installlscript on the iso. Maybe i did something wrong.
5 days later
Hi there, 01. Nice choice of nickname. Short nickname crew assemble!
01 wroteIs it right that Obarun didnt maintain a complete own repo? Only for few packages that are needed for a systemd free operation?
Obarun repository is not huge at the moment, but it's growing. Obarun User Repository also exists as a potential alternative to AUR down the line an interesting thing.
01 wroteAnd the most stupid question would be maybe: Why should i use Obarun and not Artix if i want a systemd free arch-like system? :)
For one thing, Artix has decided to retain elogind while Obarun makes better attempts to avoid sysd and its compnents entirely. Also Obarun's philosophy is to oppose telemetry, and things are being done about that.
01 wroteFollowed the installlscript on the iso. Maybe i did something wrong.
First thing I'd attempt is selecting different mirrors through section 7 of the installation menu.
@ 01, just restart the installer :)

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