There's already a forum thread on Bluetooth, but solutions in it are dated, case-specific or selective and scattered throughout the posts. I thought it would be a good initiative to share a simple and comprehensive guide to the "Bluetooth on Obarun" matter. I tested it on Plasma KDE but it should work for other environments as well.

The following three lines of code in their entirety are meant to be copypasted into terminal and executed. The commands in them will install or update bluetooth-related software after refreshing the repositories databases, the default pulseaudio sound server will be replaced with more robust pipewire-pulse which will also enable more bluetooth playback codecs to choose from; lastly, pipewire and bluetooth services will be initiated:
sudo pacman -Syu --needed bluez bluez-libs pipewire pipewire-media-session pipewire-pulse pipewire-66serv bluetoothd-66serv
66-enable -FS pipewire pipewire-media-session pipewire-pulse
sudo 66-enable -FS bluetoothd

Following that you can add and connect a bluetooth audio device from tray icon or Bluetooth shortcut in start menu. There might be several playback options available for your device menu in the Volume tray. If your device has a mic then the mic-supported, low-quality Headseat option might be chosen by default; be sure to chose one of the High Fidelity Playback codecs unless you need to use the mic as well (the higher the codec is on the list the better the playback quality; the lower it is, the less lagging there should be depending on how close the device is to the computer):

Happy transmitting!
Thanks for this

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