Hello, getting back into Obarun after a hiatus and am slightly struggling to wrap my head around 66 and all that (not to mention the installer seems pretty borked but that is a whole 'nother can of worms).

I was wondering if one of you fine people could help me with a simple problem. I'm sure it is documented but I just find the wiki very difficult with my dyslexia. I feel if I can figure out this one thing it will tell me everything I need to know about 66 since I most likely won't be touching it much.

I have wpa_supplicant working, that was easy enough, just followed Arch Wiki. The only problem is every time I boot I need to enter
doas wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp40s0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf 
before my WiFi will work again. No big deal but I feel as though I should be able to simply automate this but I haven't figured it out.
I see wpa_supplicant is in my default tree, but my putty-like brain doesn't seem to know what to do with this information
cmde@ Ob66 ~ % doas 66-intree
Name         : boot
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : no
Starts after : None
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : tty-earlier@ tty12 system-hostname mount-run populate-run mount-tmp populate-tmp mount-proc mount-sys populate-sys
               mount-dev mount-pts mount-shm populate-dev mount-cgroups 00 all-Mount system-hwclock modules-kernel system-random
               modules-system system-sysctl udevd-log udevd udevadm system-fontnkey system-fsck mount-fstab all-System mount-rw
               mount-netfs local-loop local-sethostname local-time local-authfiles local-tmpfiles local-dmesg all-Local
               all-Runtime All tty-rc@ tty2 tty-rc@ tty1 boot@ system

Name         : root
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : None
Current      : yes
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : wpa_supplicant-log wpa_supplicant dhcpcd-log dhcpcd
Do I need to create a boot module for this or is there something pre-existing that I need to modify?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Simply do the following where <editor> is your preferred editor(vi,vim,nano,mcedit,whatever)
# 66-env -e <editor> wpa_supplicant
and set
cmd_args=-B -i wlp40s0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
Then reload you service.
# 66-start -r wpa_supplicant
4 days later
Once again a life saver. Everything is officially "comfy" now.

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