The current ISO cannot produce a bootable system. The install script fails at a key point. I've been advised by Mr. Joborun to inform the devs so this can be rectified

[After pulling base packages]
(146/146) checking keys in keyring
downloading required keys...
:: Import PGP key ______, "Maxime Gauduin"
error: libinih: key ______
:: Import PGP key ______
File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/libinih-55-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zdt is corrupted...

error: failed to commit transaction
Hopefully this is the revelant information, and enough. I had to type it manually so I left off the long codes and such
libinih is not an obarun package but Arch, and the message you see means either the archlinux-keyring is faulty or it is outdated and does not include the signature of the packager. Most likely there is nothing wrong with a pkg, just a missing/expired signature on the keyring.

If you are willing to take the risk install libinih into the target manually,

# pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/libinih-55-2-x86_64.pkg.tar -r /mnt

if /mnt is your target partition
I was given the impression that the installer script could be updated in "5 minutes", so that when I re-run it, it will go smoothly

As only an intermediate user, I do not feel comfortable doing what you suggested, nor do I feel happy doing it. Last time I installed Obarun, around a year ago, it JUST WORKED, and that was its main appeal for me.

I hope a dev can pick this up and fix it soon :)
Don't be discouraged of one false attempt, there is nothing wrong with the installer, since anyone else tried the same and achieved the promised goal.

What may be wrong in this situation and an inability of Obarun to fix, is that any mirror from Arch chosen can go wrong and not sync in the expected sequence, leaving half the files from a previous sync and some from a later. You can hardly sync twice in a row with good mirrors and get community to stay the same. It appears that every 3 minutes of any time of the day community is recomputed files dropped new files replacing. In such a moving quick sand of an environment it is hard to believe that you can make two exactly same installations that check 100% of each other.

Take a look at arch mirrorlist ... it appears endless. Imagine there is one hidden source of a primary mirror, and all those at varying rates try to copy from the source to project a copy, Then you have pacman trying to sync with one for each repository and if there is a lag in response it looks at the next, then the next on the list being uncommented. So it is possible to get core from mirrorlist A, extra from B, community from C, while their dependencies and keyrings don't match.

At least with obarun you have 1 and only mirror, which is bad, but you don't have resulting mismatches of mirroring events.

If you look at obcore/pacman git, you will find that the default single Arch mirror has been changed, meanwhile the functionality for the installer to choose a more responsive one is also added, it didn't exist in the past. A responsive mirror may be very responsive but it may have not synced with Arch source for 2 days and nobody noticed. Do a test on this, uncomment just one mirror, sync, comment and uncomment another one on the list, doesn't matter what country. You probably will not see a difference in response from Australia to Norway to Ethiopia to N.Korea. But you will get 4 different db files everytime you sync. The latest is the one kept by pacman, not the last.

/var/lib/pacman/sync is where those .db files are saved.

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