extra/networkmanager 1.38.2-1
obextra/networkmanager 1.38.0-2

extra/libpulse 16.0-1
obextra/libpulse 15.0-5

extra/pipewire 1:0.3.52-2
obextra/pipewire 1:0.3.51-2

extra/lighttpd 1.4.65-1
obextra/lighttpd 1.4.64-2

community/pcsclite 1.9.8-1
obcommunity/pcsclite 1.9.7-2

extra/smbclient 4.16.2-1
obextra/smbclient 4.16.1-3

I suggest we keep this list going so devs can identify what needs to be done next
4 months later
libbpf --> iproute2 --> qemu --> libvirt
dbus is now 2 editions back 1.14.0 on obarun 1.14.2 core 1.14.4 testing

1.14.4 runs fine AFAICT
9 days later
Please please please, if you really want to help, create an account at https://git.obarun.org and pass through it to warn me
The forum is not the good place to deal with this kind of things
Note: don't get me wrong, your report is appreciate.
4 days later
I will or rather I have, but

please please please, ...

the icu tsunami is here so get your surfboard out and ride it

qt ..base vte ..etc..
before I contribute a single letter to your git I'd like to know the terms.
In the past, someone, contributed months and months of work, then some punk pretended to have an accident, deleted it all, then replaced PKGBUILD's with the contributor omitted. Also decided to skip over those tedious and unnecessary ornamental sha-sums and gpg keys.

I don't remember you coming out and explaining or apologizing for your co-author's behaviors.

So why would anyone want to contribute to your git?
Anyone talk for you in the life? Maybe it's your case not mine. I talk for me and only for me. I don't have to give any apologize about what other do. They talk for us as you talk for you.
If you don't want to contribute, do not contribute but let people doing what they want to do.
The terms, see example:
I have no idea what you mean, but that is OK. I will contribute here if you don't mind, by listing on this thread what I think needs an urgent upgrade. It is easy to misinterpret things when language is not common, so the least we do the better. Just a simple list of pkgs from time to time can not hurt anyone.

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