I installed obarun-install and run it from a non-live non-s6 system to do a legacy installation on someone's laptop,
I did try to show off how good it is and fell in my face.

Installation process stack 3-4 times on non-existing non-installable pkgs. refind-efi , zenity, crda, and one I forget,

Again I asked it to do a grub installation, it didn't, it only installed syslinux I didn't ask for, but grub was never installed.

First mistake is to use a non-latin based language instead of en-US and console got ugly.
sddm also doesn't allow language shift, or root login, so somehow the system wasn't accessible this way, but neither was tty12, another tty allowed root but gibrish characters showed on it, hard to do work with weird characters around.

sddm is crap and should be thrown in the garbage, situation got better with lxdm and sddm removed.
xfce would never boot though, I had to add lxde which worked fine, and terminals has no problem with this non-latin language, the problem is on console, but fixed that by switching locale back to its native en-US ...

What I also noticed is the installation setup for 66 is pre boot-user@ module and dm is enabled separately on root tree.

The installer did renew the engine and theme part.

It took some work to get it going but someone needs to do some installations and iron out the problems, this is getting very old.

Now, 66 since the installer itself is using arch-chroot to setup the tree structure and populate trees, 66-enable should STOP using /run and other ro mountable filesystems.
If the installer is setup to only run from obarun live then it shouldn't be available as a package but a locally installed package on the live system.
This is a year and a half that 66-enable malfunctions from chroot and nothing has changed, especially when it is used to -F boot@ module ... it freaks out when /run is ro and not compatible to its own.
Installation process stack 3-4 times on non-existing non-installable pkgs. refind-efi , zenity, crda, and one I forget,
are you sure to update the obarun-install and obarun-install-themes package when the script ask for it?

syslinux is the default bootloader but you can remove the installation by editing the base_utilities package list and comment the syslinux package entry.
The grub package is installed when the script ask you if you want to install a bootloader and ask you which bootloader you want to install. If you pick grub, the script install it.
Or add a grub entry at any package list like the base_utilities one.

Basically you can install or not install what you want with the script. Just configure it to suit your needs. You don't want sddm? remove it and change by another one.

The installer can be used on a "classic" system but it not meant to be used to repair your own system. All official ISO are created with the conjunction of obarun-install script and obarun-mkiso.

The en_US is the default one: https://framagit.org/Obarun/obarun-install/-/blob/master/install.conf# L18.

I don't understand what you talking about 66-enable and run directory. Please provide a concrete example.
Yes both install and themes were updated, obarun-install had never run in the host ever before, so nothing from the past could have messed with the pkg lists.
On the 2nd try the following day only zenity fails, the reason is the webkit2gtk-4.1 you are not building. When you comment out zenity xfce4 will not work, the dm returns to login, openbox, lxde work fine.
It appears as some xfce4 pkg uses zenity and indirectly webkit2gtk-4.1 that also needs libsystemd.

EFI installation fails both with existing windows and on blank disk with gpt 500MB esp flagged boot partition

66-enable -F tries to find writable /sys which doesn't work on chroot, unless you specifically mount sys rw which risks losing the host system.
It throws an error out, standard, always, I don't see how can you miss it. Whether it works at the end despite the error is a different story which concerns only 66 devs.

Try this:
pkgdesc="Web content engine for GTK w/o systemd"
depends=(cairo fontconfig freetype2 libgcrypt glib2 gtk3 harfbuzz harfbuzz-icu
         icu libjpeg libsoup3 libxml2 zlib libpng sqlite atk libwebp at-spi2-core
         libegl libgl libgles libwpe wpebackend-fdo libxslt libsecret libtasn1
         enchant libx11 libxext libice libxt wayland libnotify hyphen openjpeg2
         woff2 bubblewrap libseccomp xdg-dbus-proxy gstreamer
         gst-plugins-base-libs libmanette)
makedepends=(cmake ninja gtk-doc python ruby gobject-introspection
             wayland-protocols gst-plugins-bad gperf)
optdepends=('geoclue: Geolocation support'
            'gst-plugins-good: media decoding'
            'gst-plugins-bad: media decoding'
            'gst-libav: nonfree media decoding')
# options=(debug) # # uncomment this to produce the debug pkg

prepare() {
  cd webkitgtk-$pkgver

  # Unbreak LTO
  patch -Rp1 -i ../7916fda00b347ff263fbfe72c065032d1d9b523c.patch


build() {
  # Produce minimal debug info: 4.3 GB of debug data makes the
  # build too slow and is too much to package for debuginfod
  CFLAGS+=' -g1'
  CXXFLAGS+=' -g1'
  cmake -S webkitgtk-$pkgver -B build -G Ninja \
    -DPORT=GTK \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
  cmake --build build

package() {
  depends+=(libwpe-1.0.so libWPEBackend-fdo-1.0.so)
  provides+=(libjavascriptcoregtk-4.1.so libwebkit2gtk-4.1.so)

  DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build

  rm -r "$pkgdir/usr/bin"

  cd webkitgtk-$pkgver
  find Source -name 'COPYING*' -or -name 'LICENSE*' -print0 | sort -z |
    while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r _f; do
      echo "# ## $_f # ##"
      cat "$_f"
    done |
    install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"

# ---- license gpg-key sha256sums ----


validpgpkeys=('D7FCF61CF9A2DEAB31D81BD3F3D322D0EC4582C3'  # Carlos Garcia Campos <cgarcia@ igalia.com>
              '5AA3BC334FD7E3369E7C77B291C559DBE4C9123B') # Adrián Pérez de Castro <aperez@ igalia.com>

sha256sums=(b6bebe1f85a479d968c19e44a4704622ef8cef61636ad1b2406b77d16ae2e2a8 # webkitgtk-2.36.4.tar.xz
	51f8f88248861c2d7c25658f738fc38be1019bbfbc92ac402094cce6a264994e # webkitgtk-2.36.4.tar.xz.asc
	9b1bcb54553274701f7574b1449a29f3a2d569bfbbaaa5d81526270d1c512f3e) # 7916fda00b347ff263fbfe72c065032d1d9b523c.patch
66-enable -F has nothing to do with writable /sys directory. Please, provide the exact error message. Never heard about troubles with 66 and /sys on chroot system.
EFI installation fails both with existing windows and on blank disk with gpt 500MB esp flagged boot partition
Know issue (more or less). For now it's better to install manually EFI instead of passing through the installer.
the reason is the webkit2gtk-4.1 you are not building
9 days later
Not directly 66 related but the error is not my imagination:
/usr/bin/sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.utf8)
/usr/bin/opentmpfiles.sh: line 388: /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload: Read-only file system
error: command failed to execute correctly
    _w() {
        # Write the argument parameter to a file, if it exists.
        local path=$1 mode=$2 uid=$3 gid=$4 age=$5 arg=$6
        if [ -f "$path" ]; then
            if [ $DRYRUN -eq 1 ]; then
 388               echo "echo \"$arg\" >>\"$path\""
                echo "$arg" >>"$path"

I will make a 3rd try attempt on this same machine after the owner finishes reinstall win10 and his stuff on it, although it seems I realized whu efi fails.

Looking at a disk with win10 on it makes you think there is an uefi system in place, but not necesseraly.
Win10 still installs on old bios only/legacy systems, win11 doesn't (requires gpt and efi able system), and although it writes into the 1st MB mbr it simulates an efi installation as if there was one. So as soon as the system boots it doesn't know it is not a real efi booted system. This is why some w10 installations tell you that you can't upgrade to win11.

So poor obarun/linux is told to place its own bin for booting efi in a nor real efi machine and fails.
I don't know if such software exists that can be added to the installer that checks before installation for efi/non-efi hw and prevents the efi option from being used.
When you posted the link with the pipeline above the server was down due to the move, now I see it was for webkit2gtk build.

The issue mentioned above is due to the arch dependency to webkit2gtk-4.1 which requires systemd.
That is what the PKGBUILD above was for. It is not as troublesome to build as the main pkg.

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