I installed obarun-install and run it from a non-live non-s6 system to do a legacy installation on someone's laptop,
I did try to show off how good it is and fell in my face.
Installation process stack 3-4 times on non-existing non-installable pkgs. refind-efi , zenity, crda, and one I forget,
Again I asked it to do a grub installation, it didn't, it only installed syslinux I didn't ask for, but grub was never installed.
First mistake is to use a non-latin based language instead of en-US and console got ugly.
sddm also doesn't allow language shift, or root login, so somehow the system wasn't accessible this way, but neither was tty12, another tty allowed root but gibrish characters showed on it, hard to do work with weird characters around.
sddm is crap and should be thrown in the garbage, situation got better with lxdm and sddm removed.
xfce would never boot though, I had to add lxde which worked fine, and terminals has no problem with this non-latin language, the problem is on console, but fixed that by switching locale back to its native en-US ...
What I also noticed is the installation setup for 66 is pre boot-user@ module and dm is enabled separately on root tree.
The installer did renew the engine and theme part.
It took some work to get it going but someone needs to do some installations and iron out the problems, this is getting very old.
Now, 66 since the installer itself is using arch-chroot to setup the tree structure and populate trees, 66-enable should STOP using /run and other ro mountable filesystems.
If the installer is setup to only run from obarun live then it shouldn't be available as a package but a locally installed package on the live system.
This is a year and a half that 66-enable malfunctions from chroot and nothing has changed, especially when it is used to -F boot@ module ... it freaks out when /run is ro and not compatible to its own.
I did try to show off how good it is and fell in my face.
Installation process stack 3-4 times on non-existing non-installable pkgs. refind-efi , zenity, crda, and one I forget,
Again I asked it to do a grub installation, it didn't, it only installed syslinux I didn't ask for, but grub was never installed.
First mistake is to use a non-latin based language instead of en-US and console got ugly.
sddm also doesn't allow language shift, or root login, so somehow the system wasn't accessible this way, but neither was tty12, another tty allowed root but gibrish characters showed on it, hard to do work with weird characters around.
sddm is crap and should be thrown in the garbage, situation got better with lxdm and sddm removed.
xfce would never boot though, I had to add lxde which worked fine, and terminals has no problem with this non-latin language, the problem is on console, but fixed that by switching locale back to its native en-US ...
What I also noticed is the installation setup for 66 is pre boot-user@ module and dm is enabled separately on root tree.
The installer did renew the engine and theme part.
It took some work to get it going but someone needs to do some installations and iron out the problems, this is getting very old.
Now, 66 since the installer itself is using arch-chroot to setup the tree structure and populate trees, 66-enable should STOP using /run and other ro mountable filesystems.
If the installer is setup to only run from obarun live then it shouldn't be available as a package but a locally installed package on the live system.
This is a year and a half that 66-enable malfunctions from chroot and nothing has changed, especially when it is used to -F boot@ module ... it freaks out when /run is ro and not compatible to its own.