I've resorted to completely re-installing Obarun from the ground up. I completely wiped all vestiges of the old install, and started with completely empty partitions.

Upon running the install script, I came across a fault that wasn't there the previous time I installed it, a little over two weeks ago: this time, upon entering the root password in the install script, it crashes out:
passwd: Module is unknown
passwd: password unchanged
obarun-install: fatal: unable to set the root password
obarun-install: info: Cleaning up
obarun-install: info: Killing process
obarun-install: info: Umount /mnt
obarun-install: tracing: Check mounted filesystem on /mnt
obarun-install: tracing: Check mounted /mnt/proc
obarun-install: tracing: Check mounted /mnt/sys
obarun-install: tracing: Check mounted /mnt/dev/pts
obarun-install: tracing: Check mounted /mnt/dev/shm
obarun-install: tracing: Check mounted /mnt/run
obarun-install: tracing: Check mounted /mnt/tmp
obarun-install: tracing: Check mounted /mnt/dev
obarun-install: tracing: Check mounted /mnt/var/cache/pacman/pkg
obarun-install: info: Restore your shell options
This behavior has been described before on this forum [here: https://forum.obarun.org/viewtopic.php?id=1182], and was solved by updating pam. However, attempting to update pam fails:
/usr/bin/opentmpfiles.sh: line 388: /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload: Read-only file system
error: command failed to execute correctly
This seems to be a new behavior in the installer. I hope there is a solid solution.
Were you able to change to a different pacman mirror before updating pam? That was an issue before as well.
Yes, I tried. I didn't try literally all the mirrors available, but I experimented with the older vs the newer mirrors. It didn't help - thus far. If anyone knows of a specific mirror that is likely to work, that would be very welcome.

Edit: Besides, it very much looks like the issue is not with the version of pam getting downloaded from the mirror, but from the way the tempfile script tries to write to a ro entity.
Interestingly, setting the root password manually goes without a hitch. The script still insists on doing it and crashing though.
You have a conflict between version of the host system and the one use by the script glibc, pam.
So, the very good approach is to remake a new ISO with the last packages. I will do it but not immediately
The second option is to update the system launched by the ISO before starting the script.It may works but not all the time because some update need to reboot the system and so as you started with the ISO, the change previously made was lost.
So far, I'm not succeeding with the second option. I can't get the error to disappear, no matter how and from where I update.
ok, i will make a new ISO tomorrow
Thanks for your reports. Often people do not realize that i can't know every things every time and i don't test every things every time. If nobody reports me a trouble, i can't know it if i do not test it myself.
6 months later
Hello, I tried today with the 2023.01.08 iso and i et the same problem.

i try the "pacman -Sy pam" method, but not working

is there any other method to enter the root password ? ( like debian's debconf set-selection for example )

Thank you
11 days later
matux wroteHello, I tried today with the 2023.01.08 iso and i et the same problem.

i try the "pacman -Sy pam" method, but not working

is there any other method to enter the root password ? ( like debian's debconf set-selection for example )

Thank you
i've been reinstalling Obarun through chroot method and have no pam issues. what iso are you installing from?


turns out there are new ISO released just a few days agod (feb 12) might worth checking those out if it still causing you issues

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