When upgrade qemu-desktop, the multipath-tools dependency appeared. This package from the community repository requires systemd.
To install qemu-desktop, I borrowed this package from Artix. Let's ask Eric to check compatibility and build multipath-tools for use in Obarun.
I noticed this problem as well, but the trick which I learned on these forums of installing with the flag "--assume-installed=systemd" seemed to work fine.

I may be wrong, but it looks like the systemd dependency for multipath-tools is limited to scsi module device handlers and the Arch build doesn't even include support for any such modules.
21 days later
please https://forum.obarun.org/viewtopic.php?id=1641 post # 4.
Well, i don't get time to add more package because i'm alone to do it. But, you can register an account at git.obarun.org and make PR to add the package with a complete and correct repository to build it. But, if you do it, be prepared to maintain it.
5 days later
I see 2 problems,
one is the multipath-tools dependency, so here it is:

the other is that qemu-base has dependencies on its own pkgs with pkgver-pkgrel specified.
Since the pkgrel should match an Obarun pkg that doesn't exist yet in the repositories the pkgrel from arch doesn't match 10/11
So either make an interrim version with dependencies not being ver/rel specific so it builds, push pkgs to repository, rebuild again with pkgver-pkgrel as new dependencies since now pr-helper exists
:: unable to satisfy dependency 'qemu-pr-helper=7.1.0-11' required by qemu-base

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