I'm having trouble syncing my computer's clock with "ntp".

I had this issue before, so I followed exactly the steps I've discovered prior, inputting the appropriate arguments with 66-env: https://forum.obarun.org/viewtopic.php?pid=7716# p7716

However, ntp still refuses to sync my clock. Weird that it used to work a year ago, but not now on a fresh install!

Checking the logs with "66-inservice -v 3 ntpd" gave me the below output:
Name                  : ntpd
Version               : 0.3.0
In tree               : root
Status                : enabled, up (pid 813) 55 seconds
Type                  : classic
Description           : ntpd daemon
Source                : /etc/66/service/ntpd
Live                  : /run/66/scandir/0/ntpd
Dependencies          : ntpd-log
External dependencies : None
Optional dependencies : None
Start script          : 
                         execl-cmdline -s { ntpd ${cmd_args} -f ${conf_file} } 
Stop script           : None
Environment source    : /etc/66/conf/ntpd/0.3.0
Environment file      : 
                        environment variables from: /etc/66/conf/ntpd/0.3.0/.ntpd
                        cmd_args=!-n -q -g -u ntp:ntp

                        environment variables from: /etc/66/conf/ntpd/0.3.0/ntpd
                        cmd_args=!-n -q -g -u ntp:ntp

Log name              : ntpd-log
Log destination       : /var/log/66/ntpd
Log file              : 
2013-02-04 08:00:20.816462302   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: ntpd 4.2.8p15@ 1.3728-o Tue Jul 28 06:15:24 UTC 2020 (1): Starting
2013-02-04 08:00:20.816500643   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: Command line: ntpd -n -q -g -u ntp:ntp -f /etc/ntp/ntp.conf
2013-02-04 08:00:20.816502969   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: ----------------------------------------------------
2013-02-04 08:00:20.816504715   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: ntp-4 is maintained by Network Time Foundation,
2013-02-04 08:00:20.816506499   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: Inc. (NTF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
2013-02-04 08:00:20.816508138   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: corporation.  Support and training for ntp-4 are
2013-02-04 08:00:20.816509671   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: available at https://www.nwtime.org/support
2013-02-04 08:00:20.816511373   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: ----------------------------------------------------
2013-02-04 08:00:20.820694014   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: proto: precision = 0.051 usec (-24)
2013-02-04 08:00:20.820708029   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: format error frequency file /etc/ntp/ntp.conf
2013-02-04 08:00:20.820709300   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: getconfig: Couldn't open </etc/ntp.conf>: No such file or directory
2013-02-04 08:00:20.820710276   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123
2013-02-04 08:00:20.820711212   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: Listen and drop on 1 v4wildcard
2013-02-04 08:00:20.820712135   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: Listen normally on 2 lo
2013-02-04 08:00:20.820713040   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: Listen normally on 3 lo [::1]:123
2013-02-04 08:00:20.820714027   4 Feb 08:00:20 ntpd[813]: Listening on routing socket on fd # 20 for interface updates
2013-02-04 08:00:31.816750135   4 Feb 08:00:31 ntpd[813]: Listen normally on 4 wlp3s0
2013-02-04 08:00:31.816775365   4 Feb 08:00:31 ntpd[813]: Listen normally on 5 wlp3s0 [2001:d08:c2:c86d:e4ff:c8d1:4783:4667]:123
2013-02-04 08:00:31.816795771   4 Feb 08:00:31 ntpd[813]: Listen normally on 6 wlp3s0 [fe80::1d4a:a41c:bcf9:ce77%3]:123
2013-02-04 08:00:31.816801240   4 Feb 08:00:31 ntpd[813]: new interface(s) found: waking up resolver
Notice that there's a "format error frequency file /etc/ntp/ntp.conf" entry, which I suspect is causing the issue.

However, I'm clueless how to solve this, as external resources focus on systemd instead of 66.

Below is my conf, displayed with "66-env -e nano ntpd":
cmd_args=!-n -q -g -u ntp:ntp

....Couldn't open </etc/ntp.conf>: No such file or directo......

Quick dirty fix as root
# ln -sf /etc/ntp/ntp.conf /etc/ntp.conf

pkg ntp has /etc/ntp/ntp.conf and openntpd has /etc/ntpd.conf
somehow the service triggers a routine looking for /etc/ntp.conf instead

Old bug no fix
Ah, it was just a different folder structure on ntp and openntpd that caused the issue.

Thank you for pointing it out, along with the solution!

My clock is now syncing fine from the dark ages of 2013, so I'll mark this thread as solved for now.

Glad I didn't have to rip up my entire laptop and replace the CMOS battery instead! CPU/GPU heatsinks, RAM and SATA are accessible easily, but going deeper is pretty scary!

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