Hi. I am trying to install lxde from the minimal install. Problem is it's my first time doing such a thing and besides s6 has got me a little confused. Hope I'm not taking too much of your time. I will simply put down the steps I took based on what I understood from the documentation, which I followed somewhat blindly because much of it I don't understand unfortunately. I have used runit before and know how to enable services there, but this is different (though very snappy it seems).
All steps gave me a successful response except the last. My user name is anselrobot2 and the display manager I intend to use is lxdm. Here is what I did:

1. obarun minimal install (full disk)
2. reboot
3. login
4. su login
4. pacman -S lxde
5. pacman -S boot-user@ -66serv
6. pacman -S lxdm-66serv consolekit-66serv dbus-66serv console-tracker@ -66serv display-manager@ -66serv
7. 66-tree -nE boot-user
8. 66-enable -t boot-user boot-user@ anselrobot2
9. 66-env -t boot-user -e nano boot-user@ anselrobot2
uncomment DISPLAY_MANAGER=lxdm
10. 66-enable -t boot-user -F boot-user@ anselrobot2
11. 66-enable -t root dbus
12. exit
13. 66-enable dbus-session@ anselrobot2
66-enable: fatal: unable to find the current tree. You must use -t options

I know I should have made sure to "have an active user tree" before step 13. Would that be "% 66-enable -t graphics dbus-session@ anselrobot2"? The "graphics" part is what puzzles me. Anyway this is what I am going to try while I wait for some advice. It's a spare notebook so no problem if things go wrong.
As I said, I hope I'm not taking too much of your time. If I am too far away then please don't bother, I will spend more time on it myself. Thanks in advance.
Hi ansel,

While I am by no means an expert on getting obarun up and running, I think I know the answer to your question. Between steps 12 & 13, you need to create your user tree a la this guide in the Obarun wiki. You can name this tree whatever you want, even "graphics" if you so desire. (I happen to have named mine after my username.) So:
% 66-tree -cnE graphics

% 66-enable dbus-session@ anselrobot2
Hope that helps.
Thank you very much, nfg.
That did get rid of the error.
On reboot it does not work though, but no worries, I'll keep up at it, or I can always do a regular jwm install and then add lxde, that worked before.
Hi ansel,

I should have given you more thorough advice. Your root issue, I think, is that you haven't enabled lxdm, consolekit, console-tracker & display-manager into any of your root trees. You've have installed the packages, but now you need to enable them. This can be easily fixed. After your # 11 and still as root:
# 66-enable -t root lxdm consolekit

# 66-enable -t boot-user console-tracker@ consolekit display-manager@ lxdm
I tried your steps with these emendations in a vm & had no issues getting lxdm to spin up. All the best, nfg
Please provide the output of the following command. (To remember # mean root % mean regular user)
# 66-intree -g 
% 66-intree -g
# 66-env -t boot-user -L boot-user@ anselrobot2
Success!! Thank you so much nfg!! My first fresh install ever. I will be posting all the steps neatly in case someone else can benefit.
Thank you again.
Hi Eric,
I'll provide the outputs you request, but they will correspond to a new install. The original setup I erased before reading your post.
Please give me a little time to set the system up and connect from there, thank you
This is a more polished version of what I did to install lxde from the minimal obarun install. It worked for me but I cannot guarantee everything is ok. It looks quite sound so far. Someone more knowledgeable will probably manage things better.

user: anselrobot2
display manager: lxdm
editor: nano

1. obarun minimal install (whole disk)
2. reboot
3. user login
4. root login
5. pacman -S lxde
6. pacman -S boot-user@ -66serv
7. pacman -S lxdm-66serv consolekit-66serv dbus-66serv console-tracker@ -66serv display-manager@ -66serv xorg-xinit
8. 66-tree -nE boot-user
9. 66-enable -t boot-user boot-user@ anselrobot2
10. 66-env -t boot-user -e nano boot-user@ anselrobot2
nano modified:
11. 66-enable -t boot-user -F boot-user@ anselrobot2
12. 66-enable -t root dbus
13. 66-enable -t root lxdm consolekit
14. 66-enable -t boot-user
15. exit
16. 66-tree -cnE anselrobot2
17. 66-enable dbus-session@ anselrobot2
18. sudo reboot
Hi Eric, the output to the commands you requested follow. I changed the way I installed Obarun because after doing the barebones installation above I found I couldn't mount any USB sticks and to avoid further problems with configurations I don't yet understand well, I decided to install the jwm flavour and took it from there.
Basically what I did post-installation was to remove jwm and software I didn't need and then installed lxde. I also installed a few other software, and among them, qjackctl. I tried things then and everything was fine. By "everything" I mean:
1) Network, both ethernet and wifi
2) usb sticks mounting
3) qjackctl

I then decided to enable lxdm. I did so with the following instructions:
1) pacman -S lxdm-66serv
2) 66-enable -t root lxdm

On reboot I was prompted by lxdm alright, but:
1) ethernet and wifi worked fine
2) there was no way to mount usb sticks anymore
3) qjackctl would not start, giving errors regarding server access.

Afterwards I run:
66-env -t boot-user -e nano boot-user@ anselrobot2 and nano modified the display manager to be lxdm, the console tracker to be consolekit and the desktop_cmdline to be startlxde. This did not make any difference.
anselrobot2pc# 66-intree -g
Name         : boot
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : no
Starts after : None
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(186,Enabled,classic) tty-earlier@ tty12
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-hostname
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-run
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-run
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-tmp
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-tmp
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-proc
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-sys
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-sys
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-dev
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-pts
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-shm
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-dev
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-cgroups
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) 00
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-hwclock
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) modules-kernel
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-random
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) modules-system
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-sysctl
               ├─(228,Enabled,longrun) udevd-log
               ├─(401,Enabled,longrun) udevd
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) udevadm
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-fontnkey
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) all-Mount
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-fsck
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-fstab
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) all-System
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-rw
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-netfs
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-loop
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-sethostname
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-time
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-authfiles
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-tmpfiles
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-dmesg
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) all-Local
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) all-Runtime
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) All
               ├─(781,Enabled,longrun) tty-rc@ tty2
               ├─(782,Enabled,longrun) tty-rc@ tty1
               └─(up,Enabled,module) boot@ system

Name         : root
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : None
Current      : yes
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(647,Enabled,classic) openntpd-log
               ├─(0,Enabled,classic) openntpd
               ├─(649,Enabled,classic) wpa_supplicant-log
               ├─(716,Enabled,classic) wpa_supplicant
               ├─(674,Enabled,longrun) consolekit-log
               ├─(673,Enabled,longrun) dbus-log
               ├─(681,Enabled,longrun) dbus
               ├─(690,Enabled,longrun) consolekit
               ├─(671,Enabled,longrun) lxdm-log
               ├─(695,Enabled,longrun) lxdm
               ├─(677,Enabled,longrun) connmand-log
               └─(691,Enabled,longrun) connmand

Name         : boot-user
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : root
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) setenv@ anselrobot2
               ├─(729,Enabled,longrun) svscan@ anselrobot2-log
               ├─(773,Enabled,longrun) svscan@ anselrobot2
               ├─(up,Enabled,module) scandir@ anselrobot2
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-run@ anselrobot2
               └─(up,Enabled,module) boot-user@ anselrobot2

anselrobot2@ anselrobot2pc ~ % 66-intree -g
Name         : base
Initialized  : no
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : None
Current      : yes
Allowed      : anselrobot2
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(0,Enabled,longrun) dbus-session@ anselrobot2-log
               ├─(0,Enabled,longrun) dbus-session@ anselrobot2
               └─(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) xdg-user-dirs

anselrobot2pc# 66-env -t boot-user -L boot-user@ anselrobot2
66-env: info: contents of file: /etc/66/conf/boot-user@ anselrobot2/0.4.3/.boot-user@ anselrobot2
# # Uses '66-env boot-user@ anselrobot2' command instead.
# # Or make a copy of this file at /etc/66/conf/boot-user@ anselrobot2/0.4.3/boot-user@ anselrobot2 and modify it.
# # Uncomment it to use a display manager.
# # Can be any display manager as long as the
# # corresponding frontend file exist on your system
# # e.g sddm,lightdm,...
# # It also prepare the .xsession file.


# # Uncomment it to use a console tracker.
# # Can be any console tracker as long as the
# # corresponding frontend file exist on your system
# # e.g consolekit,elogind,...

# CONSOLE_TRACKER=consolekit

# # Create and mount the XDG_RUNTIME directory
# # at /run/user/anselrobot2 [yes|no]


# # Command to use in your .xinitrc
# # to launch your desktop e.g.: openbox-session.
# # If commented the .xinitrc file is not configured.


66-env: info: contents of file: /etc/66/conf/boot-user@ anselrobot2/0.4.3/boot-user@ anselrobot2

# # Uncomment it to use a display manager.
# # Can be any display manager as long as the
# # corresponding frontend file exist on your system
# # e.g sddm,lightdm,...
# # It also prepare the .xsession file.


# # Uncomment it to use a console tracker.
# # Can be any console tracker as long as the
# # corresponding frontend file exist on your system
# # e.g consolekit,elogind,...


# # Create and mount the XDG_RUNTIME directory
# # at /run/user/anselrobot2 [yes|no]


# # Command to use in your .xinitrc
# # to launch your desktop e.g.: openbox-session.
# # If commented the .xinitrc file is not configured.



Hope some of this can be of help to the community. I am still studying the s6 docs and perhaps should not have dived into an install so soon. Thanks in advance for any help.
Finally, after 5 yrs there is someone else that appreciates LXDE here other than me. I appreciate it but not use it much unless I am trying to show someone that using linux is just as simple as using win-xp or win-7. I use openbox, rarely do I start pcmanfm, once in a long while if I need a bar I start lxpanel, I don't use desktop icons, but I use feh to set a background easy on the eyes.

How would have I done a simple LXDE installation? Do an xfce installation, then get busy with pacman in removing all xfce and replacing it with lxde. A more complicated but relatively easy hack of the installer is to choose the xfce installation theme, then get on the menus of advanced pkg lists, and remove xfce/thunar stuff and add lxde.

In any case, you seem you have it all working now and all the fun NOW begins. Why do you need LXDM? Eye candy? Why do you need many of those other things you are using, and what would the system be like if you didn't?

FYI LXDE stuff, with minor exceptions of some pcmanfm utilities, and a few lxpanel adons/widgets, to start and run gparted (or even pamac-manager) from LXDE menu, the rest is fully operational without condolekit and dbus running. Ctrl-Shift-R executes a command you type in, not as easy as a menu item for Gparted. You can run sudo pamac and uninstall/install software, but you can't have it build AUR pkgs. You can run pamac as user to browse on installed and look for new software. You can mount and unmount usb sticks and disk partitions from terminal, or by adding an entry to fstab if they are always there and you need them mounted.

It doesn't matter whether you have 64GB of Ram available, to have a system that boots up to about to 100-150MB or ram, makes a more responsive and light system able to respond to every action as if it was 20 times more powerful in terms of CPU and bus speeds, even with a 10-15yo machine. Then you boot up some Ubuntu or Manjaro with a real fast modern PC and you wonder how people can tolerate this sluggishness.

Really! JWM can be fun as well, don't undermine it till you give it a try for a day or two when you have no important work to do. If you are really using this for work, try also vtwm. JWM, and vtwm, together are less than thunar in size, and you already have openbox if you have lxde.

JWM + vtwm = 0.78MB
openbox = 1.10MB
pcmanfm = 1.36MB (lxde fm)
thunar = 8.36MB (xfce file manager)
leafpad = 0.33MB (lxde pad)
mousepad = 2MB (xfce pad)

gnome = 1GB + a ton of pkgs that can't be installed due to systemd dependencies.
Hi Skatanafas,

Thanks for all the advice!

One of the reasons for setting up a display manager is because I try to promote the use of Linux desktops among Windows users. A friend and a family member of mine switched to Lubuntu and Artix respectively on my behalf and have been using them successfully for the last three years. Most people are used to a login screen though, and would not know how to use commands such as "shutdown -p now" or "logout", or switch users, for example. Also, eye candy is necessary when you're trying to promote a product, even though the user may not know they could do without. I am currently an online tutor and I've found several young clients of mine using their cellphones during our sessions, and upon inquiring why they where not using their notebooks, their answer was "it´s too slow". Invariably their OS was Windows. The promotion of Linux is becoming a matter of survival (and a political one too) for me.

I installed LXDE from the JWM install. I was using it without LXDM until I could figure out what the problem I described above was, but I also encountered an additional problem on logging out without a DM. Logging in again also produced permission problems. I am currently trying to figure that out. Probably some setting in LXDE that needs to be fixed.

In any case, I will get down to doing a little more study on my own. I don't hold a degree in computer studies or anything like it but there is plenty of docs out there to get one going. Things such a "dbus", "polkit" and "consolekit" are strangers to me. But Linux is worth the effort I think.

Thanks again.
Good work, getting to any linux after Win-xx is a good thing, it is just that xx-buntus tend to stay in the convenience part and never really learn anything more. Even though you are making money doing it you are providing a social service to lead people to a free-er system, and the means to escape the data-traps they are lured to use.

vtwm is worth your free time to full around with and customize its .rc then use it as demonstation of different things possible. I have had a love-hate relationship with it, where I like the general idea but never can get it to do exactly what I would have liked to have it do. If you use many workareas/desktops to spread different things you do and switch from one to another during the day you may find it very exciting, Instead of having 4-5 rectangular side by side areas you can have a 3x5 screens (example) area with no borders to spread things around.

You should also try greetd-gtk from AUR instead of a DM, we should write a greetd-66serv for it.
The only convincing argument for a complex DM I've heard of is defending the remote desktop session ability that some DMs can provide.

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