:: Synchronizing package databases...
 obcore is up to date
 obextra is up to date
 obcommunity is up to date
 observice is up to date
 core                                                                                                            153.4 KiB  79.4 KiB/s 00:02 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 extra is up to date
 community                                                                                                         7.2 MiB   961 KiB/s 00:08 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (26) curl-7.88.1-2  dialog-1:1.3_20230209-1  gnutls-3.8.0-1  harfbuzz-7.0.1-1  harfbuzz-icu-7.0.1-1  iproute2-6.2.0-1  libldap-2.6.4-2  libmad-0.15.1b-10  libnotify-0.8.2-1  libpipewire-1:0.3.66-2  librsync-1:2.3.4-1
              libtiff-4.5.0-2  liburcu-0.14.0-1  linux-firmware-20230210.bf4115c-1  linux-firmware-whence-20230210.bf4115c-1  mesa-22.3.5-1  mpv-1:0.35.1-2  p7zip-1:17.05-1  pango-1:1.50.13-1  python-pip-23.0.1-1
              python-pydantic-1.10.5-1  python-setuptools-1:67.3.2-1  sudo-1.9.13-1  thin-provisioning-tools-1.0.2-1  trash-cli-  unrar-1:6.2.6-1

Total Download Size:     1.15 MiB
Total Installed Size:  308.44 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:      -33.90 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 curl-7.88.1-2-x86_64                                                                                           1179.4 KiB   698 KiB/s 00:02 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(26/26) checking keys in keyring                                                                                                             [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(26/26) checking package integrity                                                                                                           [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(26/26) loading package files                                                                                                                [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(26/26) checking for file conflicts                                                                                                          [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
libpipewire: /usr/include/pipewire-0.3/pipewire/array.h exists in filesystem (owned by pipewire)
libpipewire: /usr/include/pipewire-0.3/pipewire/buffers.h exists in filesystem (owned by pipewire)
libpipewire: /usr/include/pipewire-0.3/pipewire/client.h exists in filesystem (owned by pipewire)
libpipewire: /usr/include/pipewire-0.3/pipewire/conf.h exists in filesystem (owned by pipewire)
libpipewire: /usr/include/pipewire-0.3/pipewire/context.h exists in filesystem (owned by pipewire)
libpipewire: /usr/include/pipewire-0.3/pipewire/control.h exists in filesystem (owned by pipewire)
libpipewire: /usr/include/pipewire-0.3/pipewire/core.h exists in filesystem (owned by pipewire)
libpipewire: /usr/include/pipewire-0.3/pipewire/data-loop.h exists in filesystem (owned by pipewire)
libpipewire: /usr/include/pipewire-0.3/pipewire/device.h exists in filesystem (owned by pipewire)
Trying to contribute to Obarun has been nothing but useless and pointless aggravation.


For some time now any attempt to contribute has failed, this pipewire upgrade was attempted days ago. Somehow when I fork a pkg to upgrade it onlly shows Eric's last commit, nobody else's, and it does so using an old container that worked before but not on the new server. When Eric transferred accounts to the new system something got screwed up. Instead of fixing the problem he blames the person contributing, gives no instruction on how to comply.

I have never created or modified a CI on git.obarun or have been selective to work on an older version of the package.

If you can speak French please explain this to Eric because he seems unable to understand what is going on in his screwed up git system.
@ Skatnafas
Trying to contribute to Obarun has been nothing but useless and pointless aggravation.
Coming from you, yes for sure. After three years you're unable to update correctly a git repository. You wasting my time instead of helping me.
Why others users make correct MR whereas you can even make a correct a pull command at your fork projects? This is curious, isn't it? This work for anybody except you (as usual).
I have properly answered you about what to do and how to do and this is how you answer me, trolling the forum and crying.
So yes, as you answered me at https://git.obarun.org/pkg/obextra/pipewire/-/merge_requests/8# note_250 GOOD BYE. Enough is enough you reached the limit of my patience.
You're not a child which expect food directly on his mouth. Go to the net and learn something instead of coming here trying to getting down Obarun with you're negativity and blaming other of your errors.
And to be very clear, you account is now blocked from the Gitlab instance, i have no more time to waste to correct your mistakes and explain again and again and again and again the same things.
I was really patient with you during those past years.
everyone just CHILL...

in anycase, pipewire issue is resolved.

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