This specific failure is evident in the console.

obarun-install: tracing: Check installed packages, this may take time...
obarun-install: warning: Install missing packages coming from repo define in pacman.conf
error: failed to init transaction (unable to lock database)
error: could not lock database: File exists
if your're sure a package manager is not already
running, you can remove /mnt/var/lib/pacman/db.lck
obarun-install: fatal: Failed to install packages with pacman
obarun-install: info: cleaning up
obarun-install: info: Killing process
haveged: haveged: Stopping du to signal 15

This is my first use of pacman. I don't understand the failure well
enough to repair it. Tips welcome.

Thx, ... P.
Hello Eric,

You advised me to use the forum; therefore replying here
rather than in the mailing list.

[Ob-general] Installing with obarun-2023.02.12-x86_64.iso
> The root password must be set by the user at installation time. No
> automatic way. That's very strange that the installer do not ask for it.

I gave the password when required. No authentication problem evident. =8~)

> you can increase the verbosity setting DEBUG=1 at /etc/obarun/install.conf

Thanks. Can apply later in the week. =8~)

> Do you answer yes when the installer ask you to update the
> obarun-install and the obarun-install-themes scripts?

Yes, I did the two updates. Also suggested automating the update
to simplify the installation. =8~)

> Also, i strongly advice you to post your issue at the
> Very few people use this mailing list. You
> chance to get answer will be very greatest than here.

Yes, my last report was in the forum but you replied in email. (?) =8~/
The mailing list is unnecessary?

The crucial error was "could not lock database: File exists".
Which file is causing trouble? Why does it exist?

Probably can try again at the end of the week. Hopefully better
luck then. =8~)

Thx, ... P.
Certainly the installer requested passwords for root and for oblive.

My report at the top is not the full transcript of the console.
It's just the critical last lines where a problem is evident.

... P.

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