The url for pacman repositories move from


User have nothing to do about this change. You can find at the old obcore repository ( a new version of the Pacman package which apply the change for you. So, you just need to synchronize the pacman DB and install the new Pacman release as you do usually. At the end of the installation, the synchronization of the Pacman DB will automatically use the new urls repositories.

As you can see at the/etc/pacman.conf pacman configuration file, the url of the Pacman DB now follow the standard one coming from Arch, meaning :

Server =$repo/os/$arch

The old repositories will be available for a period of time of 2 months to let user the time to get the update of the Pacman package. After this period(so at the begin of April), the old repositories will be removed definitively.

All upgrades of binaries packages are now pushed on the new server. The fresh update of the Pacman package was the last one done at the old one.

WebUI and Obarun obarchive repository

A WebUI is available to easily browse all the Obarun repositories even the obarchive one. This interface is for now very simple but allow you to found and download a binary directly from the server.

Also, you will note that the obarchive repository format was reorganized as the same manner as Archlinux archive do.

End of the use of the FTP protocol

These new repositories now are owned by the Obarun server. Instead of using an FTP server, its hosted on a Minio server which is a S3 compatible object storage. This server is much easier to maintain, ensure a fast connection, allow to have a fine grain of policies control access and such easily. At the end, an important thing is that it is hosted on the general Obarun server which allows now to set up an automatic communication between the git server and the binary files storage server.

Git and the contribution at packaging

As you know, all Obarun packages are built on the git server through a Obarun docker image with the help of the CD/CI feature of the Obarun Gitlab instance.

The builder now deploy automatically a successful build to the Obarun repository without omitting to sign the package and the DB of the repository. The Obarun keyring package reflect this change and install on your system the key used by the builder to sign the packages.

That means that a simple accepted and successfully built Merge Request asked at any PKGBUILD project will be automatically retrieved on the corresponding Obarun repository.

No need to deal with different FTP server authentication and user GPG key. Maintainer/Contributor of package have nothing to do except taking care of the PKGBUILD changes.

So people can now very easily contribute at packaging.

obmultilib repository

These changes also sign the end of support of the obmultilib repository. Its was never really well updated and maintained. But, as i said before if people want to continue to have it, you can ask for MR and it will be automatically updated.

Thanks for your attention

Eric Vidal:

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