Tried to update my XFCE system, but apparently "xdg-desktop-portal-gtk" requires systemd now?
[SOLVED] xdg-desktop-portal-gtk requires systemd?
The components of XFCE are now part of the [obcommunity] repository. I encourage you to request access to the group and maintain or propose the maintenance of this package.
There's now a systemd-free version of xdg-desktop-portal in the [obcommunity] repo. When you get a chance, install it and then try to install xdg-desktop-portal-gtk. Let me know whether or not it works.
Hyperspace It's increasingly common. I had to replace newsflash with newsboat a while ago because it used some weird webkitgtk package version that for some reason lists systemd or libsystemd as a dependency.
High level userspace packages should always depend on systemd optionally unless there is no other way to do it. They don't actually need the init system, as very little of userspace ever does. But there's either a deliberate effort to put systemd in everything, or people just forgot how to manage dependencies sanely as from a software architecture standpoint.
nfg I have xdg-desktop-portal but only as a transient dependency for something else, and I don't think there's anything on my system that uses the desktop portal APIs. But if I see something I'll report it. Nice work though, this one was hairy. I tried to sanitize this one myself but ran out of time and patience midway.
xdg-desktop-portal-gtk no longer requires systemd and is installable.
Thank you for the update!