I'm trying to update my Obarun install, but I run into the following:

[lijster@bes ~]$ sudo pacman -Sy
error: obcommunity: signature from "GPG_SIGN_KEY (Gpg key to sign package through git builder) <pkg@obarun.org>" is invalid
:: Synchronizing package databases...
obcore is up to date
obextra is up to date
obcommunity 30.5 KiB 381 KiB/s 00:00 [###########################################################] 100%
observice is up to date
core is up to date
extra is up to date
error: obcommunity: signature from "GPG_SIGN_KEY (Gpg key to sign package through git builder) <pkg@obarun.org>" is invalid
error: failed to synchronize all databases (unexpected error)

I tried upgrading obarun-keyring, I applied the actions suggested in https://web.obarun.org/index.php?id=138 , but no joy so far. What can I do?

Thank you! The trouble turned out to be a typo though, I hadn't deleted all db files properly.

Lijsterbes changed the title to [SOLVED] Update trouble: <pkg@obarun.org> invalid .
4 months later

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