• General
  • Fail (?) when wanting to chg email @ in my profile

2 days ago, I wanted to change my email @ related to my account in settings.
I entered the new email @ and was told I will be going to receive an email to make this change validated.
I've never received anything so far.
And the email @ I use to log on is always the "old" one.

This is curious, just tested to send me an email from the administration page. It worked as expected. Please contact me directly (eric@obarun.org) giving me the new email that you want, i will try to change it

A similar problem happened to me in the week before X-mas.
I wanted to change my password.
I was told to get an email, but it never arrived.
Not so important.
I can live with my old password.
So I forgot about and just got reminded by the message above.
Inspired by this discussion I made a new attempt yesterday.
No email arrived up to now.

I just tried the reset password button and I received the email immediately. While unlikely, if not caught in your spam folder it's possible your email providers are blocking the message. I know that Mail.ru is blocking Protonmail (and I think Russian operators in general are required to block Protonmail), but I'm not aware of any other current email blocks.

The address shown if I click on 'Change Email' is my address with gmail.
I suppose that this is also the address to which a password reset mail will be sent.
I wonder if Google would block such an email

I doubt gmail would block it. If it's not in your spam folder then the best bet is for Eric to check the server logs if possible to see if there are any bounce messages.

I have an old email wich was sent to my gmail address
and which welcomes me to the Obarun forum.
I don't think that I changed this email address in the meantime.

I just tried to change my email address to a yahoo address.
Not so clear whether I succeeded.
Afterwards I tried to change the password.

No email arriving at neither address (Spam empty)

I made request of password change a couple of hours ago.
No mail has arrived up to now

  • eric replied to this.

    So, i will continue to investigate the weird issue. Weird because apparently this issue do not concern all users, i like this kind of erratic bugs :/

    Well, the problem is not urgent.
    Postpone it if you have more important things to do

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