Got this error from our package "lirc: /lib exists in filesystem (owned by filesystem)" while trying to update my system.
Apparently, the error is caused by directory names missing a slash in front ("usr/lib" instead of "/usr/lib" ).

Many thanks for your report.
This is should be fixed.
Next time, please consider to report this kind of bugs at Obarun Git instance according to this page

Thank you for the prompt update!
Unfortunately, the exact same error still occurs with lirc-1:0.10.2-5.
lirc: /lib exists in filesystem (owned by filesystem)

Thanks for the reminder about using Git for bug reports too, will consider registering soon...

huh, i have a glitch with the runner. Locally, the /lib doesn't exist and do not conflicts. Building it through the Gitlab runner, the package try to install /lib directory

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