Got this error from our package "lirc: /lib exists in filesystem (owned by filesystem)" while trying to update my system.
Apparently, the error is caused by directory names missing a slash in front ("usr/lib" instead of "/usr/lib" ).
obextra/lirc: /lib exists in filesystem (owned by filesystem)
Thank you for the prompt update!
Unfortunately, the exact same error still occurs with lirc-1:0.10.2-5.
lirc: /lib exists in filesystem (owned by filesystem)
Thanks for the reminder about using Git for bug reports too, will consider registering soon...
huh, i have a glitch with the runner. Locally, the /lib doesn't exist and do not conflicts. Building it through the Gitlab runner, the package try to install /lib directory
seems ok now
Yup, it is fine now.
Thank you for your help!
Hyperspace added the Solved tag .