
In a first attempt, failures occurred when retrieving files from mirror.cpsc.ucalgary.ca. Eg.
Error: failed retrieving file 'linux-6.10.0.arch1-1->86_64.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.cpsc.ucalgary.ca : transfer closed with 127997352 bytes remaining to read

I started again with servers prioritized Worldwide. That led to a server in the USA. It came to this.
error: lynx: signature from "Caleb Maclennan alerque@archlinux.org" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cachepacman/pkg/lynx-2.9.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
A few more packages were mentioned. Then installation was aborted.

obarun-install: fatal: Failed to install packages with pacman.

Many servers exist. Can the installer fall back to an alternative when a failure is encountered? If so, how?

Thx, ... P.

Hi, yes I've noticed, many people run into this hurdle when installing obarun where the script terimnates because of bad mirrors.

I think what is responsible is that, in the mirrror choosing part of the install script, the initial list doesnt filter for status and doesnt use the https mirrors.

You could edit the aforementioned script yourself until this is changed, it is located in "/usr/lib/obarun/install/choose.sh"

Find the line with https://www.archlinux.org/mirrorlist/?country=all&protocol=http&ip_version=4 -should be line 155- and change to

Eric if you see this, for easy reference, the file that needs to be changed is here

Thanks for the fix.

Be sure to use the Activate mirror ranking option at Main menu of the installer.
The installer get a fresh list of mirror before trying to order them in decreasing speed order.
As some package come from a mirror and others from other mirror, the checksum may differs. So, you get the File /var/cachepacman/pkg/lynx-2.9.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted.
By default, the installer will remove corrupted packages.
In fact, you just need to restart the obarun-install scripts and it should going smoothly on packages download process.

ev> Be sure to use the Activate mirror ranking option at Main menu of the installer.

Yes, I added use_mirror_status=on as suggested by Wat-now, requested ranking of mirrors in Canada and went off for breakfast.

From occasional glances, all available mirrors world-wide appeared to be checked. The process went on for a half hour or more and eventually completed without error. =8~) Then I was able to complete the installation. =8~)

If the installer checks mirrors world-wide, a choice of country is superfluous. Correct?

Thanks for the responses, ... P.

  • eric replied to this.

    peasthope If the installer checks mirrors world-wide, a choice of country is superfluous. Correct?

    I don't know why the installer checked all mirrors (this is not intended) but it's always better to pick the nearest mirror from your country.

    So, in fact you hit a bug introduced with my latest commit.
    This commit fix the issue.
    Now only the mirror of the selected country is checked.
    Many thanks for your report.


    Installation was completed successfully.

    Thx, ... P.

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