Howdy folks !
how to install plasma-desktop (kde5) ?
as always TIA!
how to install plasma-desktop (kde5) ?
as always TIA!
$ sudo pacman -S plasma-meta kdebase-lib
if you use .xinitrc to launch the X server, change it like this:
# !/bin/bash
exec startkde
eric wrote if you want to udpate an installation to use plasma, install this following package :$ sudo pacman -S plasma-meta kdebase-lib
# pacman -S plasma-meta kdebase-lib
resolving dependencies...
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "media-player-info"
warning: cannot resolve "media-player-info", a dependency of "solid"
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "upower"
warning: cannot resolve "upower", a dependency of "solid"
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "udisks2"
warning: ignoring package libsystemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "libsystemd", a dependency of "libatasmart"
warning: cannot resolve "libatasmart", a dependency of "udisks2"
warning: cannot resolve "udisks2", a dependency of "solid"
warning: cannot resolve "solid", a dependency of "kio"
:: There are 2 providers available for phonon-qt5-backend:
:: Repository extra
1) phonon-qt5-gstreamer 2) phonon-qt5-vlc
Enter a number (default=1):
sudo pacman -S media-player-info-nosystemd upower-nosystemd udisks2-nosystemd libatasmart-nosystemd plasma-meta kdebase-lib
:)$ sudo pacopts origin
. this compare your package installed and package available on obarun-repo. # pacman -S plasma-meta kdebase-lib
resolving dependencies...
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "modemmanager"
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "libmbim"
warning: cannot resolve "libmbim", a dependency of "libqmi"
warning: cannot resolve "libqmi", a dependency of "modemmanager"
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "libmbim"
warning: cannot resolve "libmbim", a dependency of "modemmanager"
warning: cannot resolve "modemmanager", a dependency of "modemmanager-qt"
warning: cannot resolve "modemmanager-qt", a dependency of "plasma-nm"
warning: cannot resolve "plasma-nm", a dependency of "plasma-meta"
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "libpulse"
warning: cannot resolve "libpulse=9.0-1", a dependency of "pulseaudio"
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "rtkit"
warning: cannot resolve "rtkit", a dependency of "pulseaudio"
warning: cannot resolve "pulseaudio", a dependency of "plasma-pa"
warning: cannot resolve "plasma-pa", a dependency of "plasma-meta"
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "accountsservice"
warning: cannot resolve "accountsservice", a dependency of "user-manager"
warning: cannot resolve "user-manager", a dependency of "plasma-meta"
:: There are 2 providers available for phonon-qt4-backend:
:: Repository extra
1) phonon-qt4-gstreamer 2) phonon-qt4-vlc
Enter a number (default=1):
$ sudo pacman -S modemmanager-nosystemd libmbim-nosystemd pulseaudio-nosystemd libpulse-nosystemd accountsservice-nosystemd media-player-info-nosystemd upower-nosystemd udisks2-nosystemd libatasmart-nosystemd plasma-meta kdebase-lib
by the way, refer here to find package without systemd :
$ sudo pacman -Ss | grep obarun
typo >>> accountSservice-nosystemderic wroteaccountservice-nosystemd
exec startkde
zsh: command not found: startkde
$ sudo pacman -S plasma-workspace
Or better yet, don't over-complicate it with grep and just use -Sl, no root privileges required :)eric wrotesudo pacman -Ss | grep obarun
pacman -Sl obarun
Based on the code and KDE Bug # 331063 I'm going to assume plasma{,-workplace} and kf5 aren't properly installed, Do that and then try doing this.archie wroteplz see this error
Or assuming you don't know, one can always read the sticky!DamnThatsLaser wrote mkdir ~/.config/plasma_bak
mv ~/.config/plasma* ~/.config/plasma_bak
pacman -S plasma kde-applications kf5 [0]
$ sudo pacman -Qs plasma
$ sudo pacman -Qs qt5
$ sudo pacman -Sl obarun
$ echo "$"$XDG_DATA_DIRS"
please give me the output of this command above$ plasmashell
ps: i think i need to provide a meta package like plasma-nosystemd to avoid forgotten some package and to be able to install it properly pacman -Qs plasma
local/breeze 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
Artwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma
local/kactivitymanagerd 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
System service to manage user's activities and track the usage patterns
local/kde-cli-tools 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
Tools based on KDE Frameworks 5 to better interact with the system
local/kdecoration 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
Plugin based library to create window decorations
local/kscreenlocker 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
Library and components for secure lock screen architecture
local/kuiserver 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
KDE Progress Info UI server
local/kwin 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
KDE Window manager
local/libksysguard 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
local/milou 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
A dedicated search application built on top of Baloo
local/plasma-framework 5.24.0-1 (kf5)
Plasma library and runtime components based upon KF5 and Qt5
local/plasma-integration 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
Qt Platform Theme integration plugins for the Plasma workspaces
local/plasma-workspace 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
KDE Plasma Workspace
pacman -Qs qt5
local/attica-qt5 5.24.0-1 (kf5)
Qt5 library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API
local/libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3+16.04.20160218-1
A library that provides a Qt implementation of the DBusMenu spec
local/phonon-qt5 4.9.0-1
The multimedia framework for KF5
local/phonon-qt5-gstreamer 4.9.0-1
Phonon GStreamer backend for Qt5
local/plasma-framework 5.24.0-1 (kf5)
Plasma library and runtime components based upon KF5 and Qt5
local/polkit-qt5 0.112.0+git20160226-1
A library that allows developers to access PolicyKit API with a nice
Qt-style API
local/qt5-base-nosystemd 5.7.0-2 (qt qt5)
A cross-platform application and UI framework
local/qt5-declarative 5.7.0-2 (qt qt5)
Classes for QML and JavaScript languages
local/qt5-location 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
Provides access to position, satellite and area monitoring classes
local/qt5-multimedia 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
Classes for audio, video, radio and camera functionality
local/qt5-quickcontrols 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
Reusable Qt Quick based UI controls to create classic desktop-style user
local/qt5-script 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
Classes for making Qt applications scriptable. Provided for Qt 4.x
local/qt5-sensors 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
Provides access to sensor hardware and motion gesture recognition
local/qt5-svg 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
Classes for displaying the contents of SVG files
local/qt5-tools 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
A cross-platform application and UI framework (Development Tools, QtHelp)
local/qt5-webchannel 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
Provides access to QObject or QML objects from HTML clients for seamless
integration of Qt applications with HTML/JavaScript clients
local/qt5-webkit 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
Classes for a WebKit2 based implementation and a new QML API
local/qt5-x11extras 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
Provides platform-specific APIs for X11
local/qt5-xmlpatterns 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
Support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML schema validation
local/sonnet 5.24.0-1 (kf5)
Spelling framework for Qt5
pacman -Sl obarun
obarun accountsservice-nosystemd 0.6.42-1
obarun cgmanager-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun colord-nosystemd 1.3.2-2 [installed]
obarun connman-vpnd-runitserv 0.1-4
obarun connmand-runitserv 0.1-4
obarun connmand-s6rcserv 0.1-1 [installed]
obarun consolekit-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun consolekit-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun consolekit2 1.0.2-1 [installed]
obarun crda-nosystemd 3.18-2 [installed]
obarun cups-nosystemd 2.1.4-1
obarun cups-pdf-nosystemd 2.6.1-5
obarun cups-runitserv 0.1-4
obarun cups-s6rcserv 0.1-1
obarun cups-s6serv 0.1-2
obarun dbus-nosystemd 1.10.8-1 [installed]
obarun dbus-runitserv 0.2-3
obarun dbus-s6rcserv 0.1-2 [installed]
obarun dbus-s6serv 0.1-4
obarun device-mapper-nosystemd 2.02.162-1 [installed]
obarun dhclient-s6rcserv 0.1-1
obarun dhclient-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun dhcpcd-nosystemd 6.11.2-1 [installed]
obarun dhcpcd-runitserv 0.2-2
obarun dhcpcd-s6rcserv 0.1-1
obarun dhcpcd-s6serv 0.1-3
obarun dmraid-nosystemd 1.0.0.rc16.3-11 [installed]
obarun dmraid-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun dmraid-s6rcserv 0.1-2
obarun eudev-obarun 3.2-1 [installed]
obarun execline [installed]
obarun filesystem-obarun 2015.09-5 [installed]
obarun ghostscript-nosystemd 9.19-2
obarun gpm-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun gpm-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun haveged-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun haveged-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun icecat 38.8.0-6
obarun ip6tables-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun iptables-nosystemd 1.6.0-1 [installed]
obarun iptables-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun kickshaw 0.5-2 [installed]
obarun libatasmart-nosystemd 0.19-3 [installed]
obarun libcups-nosystemd 2.1.4-1 [installed]
obarun libdbus-nosystemd 1.10.8-1 [installed]
obarun libgudev-nosystemd 230-2 [installed]
obarun libinput-nosystemd 1.4.1-1 [installed]
obarun libmbim-nosystemd 1.14.0-1
obarun libmm-glib-nosystemd 1.6.0-1
obarun libnm-glib-nosystemd 1.2.4-1
obarun libpulse-nosystemd 9.0-1 [installed]
obarun libusb-nosystemd 1.0.20-2 [installed]
obarun libutil-linux-nosystemd 2.28-2 [installed]
obarun libva-mesa-driver-nosystemd 12.0.1-5 [installed]
obarun libwacom-nosystemd 0.21-1 [installed]
obarun lirc-nosystemd 1:0.9.4.a-2
obarun lirc-s6rcserv 0.1-2
obarun lircd-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun lircmd-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun lvm2-nosystemd 2.02.162-1 [installed]
obarun lxc 1:lxc.2.0.0.r222.gb997714-1
obarun media-player-info-nosystemd 22-2 [installed]
obarun mesa-libgl-nosystemd 12.0.1-5 [installed]
obarun mesa-nosystemd 12.0.1-5 [installed]
obarun mesa-vdpau-nosystemd 12.0.1-5 [installed]
obarun mkinitcpio-nosystemd 20-1 [installed]
obarun modemmanager-nosystemd 1.6.0-1
obarun mysqld-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun mysqld-s6serv 0.1-2
obarun networkmanager-nosystemd 1.2.4-1
obarun networkmanager-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun networkmanager-s6rcserv 0.1-1
obarun networkmanager-s6serv 0.1-2
obarun nfs-utils-nosystemd 1.3.3-4 [installed]
obarun nfs-utils-runitserv 0.1-4
obarun nfs-utils-s6rcserv 0.1-4 [installed]
obarun nscd-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun nscd-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun ntpd-runitserv 0.1-3
obarun ntpd-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun obarun-build 0.0.1-1
obarun obarun-install 0.8.0-2
obarun obarun-libs 0.0.3-1 [installed]
obarun obarun-mkiso 0.0.2-2
obarun obshutdown-git 20120701-3 [installed]
obarun opencl-mesa-nosystemd 12.0.1-5 [installed]
obarun openntpd-nosystemd 6.0p1-3
obarun openssh-nosystemd 7.3p1-2
obarun pacopts 0.0.4-1 [installed]
obarun pcmciautils-nosystemd 018-8 [installed]
obarun polkit-nosystemd 0.113-7 [installed]
obarun procps-ng-nosystemd 3.3.12-1 [installed]
obarun pulseaudio-bluetooth-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun pulseaudio-equalizer-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun pulseaudio-gconf-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun pulseaudio-jack-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun pulseaudio-lirc-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun pulseaudio-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun pulseaudio-xen-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun pulseaudio-zeroconf-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun qt5-base-nosystemd 5.7.0-2 [installed]
obarun qtwebkit-nosystemd 2.3.4-4 [installed]
obarun rpc.statd-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun rpcbind-nosystemd 0.2.3-5 [installed]
obarun rpcbind-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun rtkit-nosystemd 0.11-6 [installed]
obarun rtkit-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun rtkit-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun runit-obarun 0.3.0-1
obarun s6 [installed]
obarun s6-boot 0.1.1-4 [installed]
obarun s6-linux-utils [installed]
obarun s6-portable-utils [installed]
obarun s6-rc [installed]
obarun s6opts 0.1.0-2 [installed]
obarun sddm-nosystemd 0.13.0-4
obarun sddm-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun sddm-s6rcserv 0.1-1
obarun sddm-s6serv 0.1-2
obarun skalibs [installed]
obarun socklog-obarun 2.1.0-4
obarun spacefm-obarun 1.0.5-1 [installed]
obarun sshd-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun sshd-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun svopts-obarun r15.ca1670d-1
obarun syslog-ng-nosystemd 3.6.3-3
obarun syslog-ng-runitserv 0.1-3
obarun syslogds6-s6serv 0.1-1 [installed]
obarun udisks-nosystemd 1.0.5-2
obarun udisks-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun udisks-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun udisks2-nosystemd 2.1.7-2 [installed]
obarun upower-nosystemd 0.99.4+12+g402640b-2 [installed]
obarun util-linux-nosystemd 2.28-2 [installed]
obarun uuidd-runitserv 0.1-3
obarun uuidd-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun vdev-git r755.e77f02e-1
obarun vdev-libudev-compat-git r755.e77f02e-1
obarun vdevfs-git r755.e77f02e-1
obarun vulkan-intel-nosystemd 12.0.1-5
obarun wpa-supplicant-runitserv 0.1-4
obarun wpa-supplicant-s6rcserv 0.1-1 [installed]
obarun wpa-supplicant-s6serv 0.1-2
obarun x2goserver-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun xf86-input-evdev-nosystemd 2.10.3-1 [installed]
obarun xf86-input-libinput-nosystemd 0.19.0-1 [installed]
obarun xf86-input-vmmouse-nosystemd 13.1.0-5 [installed]
obarun xf86-video-ati-nosystemd 1:7.7.0-1 [installed]
obarun xf86-video-nouveau-nosystemd 1.0.12-3 [installed]
obarun xf86-video-openchrome-nosystemd 0.5.0-1 [installed]
obarun xinetd-runitserv 0.1-3
obarun xorg-server-common-nosystemd 1.18.4-1 [installed]
obarun xorg-server-devel-nosystemd 1.18.4-1
obarun xorg-server-nosystemd 1.18.4-1 [installed]
obarun xorg-server-xdmx-nosystemd 1.18.4-1
obarun xorg-server-xephyr-nosystemd 1.18.4-1
obarun xorg-server-xnest-nosystemd 1.18.4-1
obarun xorg-server-xvfb-nosystemd 1.18.4-1
obarun xorg-server-xwayland-nosystemd 1.18.4-1
eric wroteps : what 's your video drivers?$ plasmashell
QXcbConnection: could not connect to display
zshell: abort plasmashell
lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0106] (rev 09) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
Subsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] Device [1025:0718]
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 28
Memory at 90000000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4M]
Memory at 80000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
I/O ports at 3000 [size=64]
[virtual] Expansion ROM at 000c0000 [disabled] [size=128K]
Capabilities: [90] MSI: Enable+ Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit-
Capabilities: [d0] Power Management version 2
Capabilities: [a4] PCI Advanced Features
Kernel driver in use: i915
Kernel modules: i915
rm /xxx/.cache
rm: cannot remove '/xxx/.cache': Is a directory
Powered by Obarun