Howdy folks !

how to install plasma-desktop (kde5) ?

as always TIA!
if you want to install it when you make a fresh install with obarun-install, pick the number 2 and choose plasma on the list displayed. Note, for the moment plasma is installed with runit.
if you want to udpate an installation to use plasma, install this following package :
$ sudo pacman -S plasma-meta kdebase-lib
if you use .xinitrc to launch the X server, change it like this:
# !/bin/bash
exec startkde

and erase/comment all other line in this file.

hope this help
if you have any other questions about it, don't hesitate
eric wrote if you want to udpate an installation to use plasma, install this following package :
$ sudo pacman -S plasma-meta kdebase-lib
# pacman -S plasma-meta kdebase-lib
resolving dependencies...
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "media-player-info"
warning: cannot resolve "media-player-info", a dependency of "solid"
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "upower"
warning: cannot resolve "upower", a dependency of "solid"
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "udisks2"
warning: ignoring package libsystemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "libsystemd", a dependency of "libatasmart"
warning: cannot resolve "libatasmart", a dependency of "udisks2"
warning: cannot resolve "udisks2", a dependency of "solid"
warning: cannot resolve "solid", a dependency of "kio"
:: There are 2 providers available for phonon-qt5-backend:
:: Repository extra
   1) phonon-qt5-gstreamer  2) phonon-qt5-vlc

Enter a number (default=1): 
ho sorry
sudo pacman -S media-player-info-nosystemd upower-nosystemd udisks2-nosystemd libatasmart-nosystemd plasma-meta kdebase-lib

note : try
$ sudo  pacopts origin
. this compare your package installed and package available on obarun-repo.
Nice nice very nice distro dude ! congrats ! !
thank you :), but not a distro .... :)

 # pacman -S plasma-meta kdebase-lib
resolving dependencies...
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "modemmanager"
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "libmbim"
warning: cannot resolve "libmbim", a dependency of "libqmi"
warning: cannot resolve "libqmi", a dependency of "modemmanager"
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "libmbim"
warning: cannot resolve "libmbim", a dependency of "modemmanager"
warning: cannot resolve "modemmanager", a dependency of "modemmanager-qt"
warning: cannot resolve "modemmanager-qt", a dependency of "plasma-nm"
warning: cannot resolve "plasma-nm", a dependency of "plasma-meta"
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "libpulse"
warning: cannot resolve "libpulse=9.0-1", a dependency of "pulseaudio"
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "rtkit"
warning: cannot resolve "rtkit", a dependency of "pulseaudio"
warning: cannot resolve "pulseaudio", a dependency of "plasma-pa"
warning: cannot resolve "plasma-pa", a dependency of "plasma-meta"
warning: ignoring package systemd-231-1
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "accountsservice"
warning: cannot resolve "accountsservice", a dependency of "user-manager"
warning: cannot resolve "user-manager", a dependency of "plasma-meta"
:: There are 2 providers available for phonon-qt4-backend:
:: Repository extra
   1) phonon-qt4-gstreamer  2) phonon-qt4-vlc

Enter a number (default=1): 

grr, i need to make a concret list to install for it, so:
$ sudo pacman -S modemmanager-nosystemd libmbim-nosystemd pulseaudio-nosystemd  libpulse-nosystemd accountsservice-nosystemd media-player-info-nosystemd upower-nosystemd udisks2-nosystemd libatasmart-nosystemd plasma-meta kdebase-lib
by the way, refer here to find package without systemd :
$ sudo pacman -Ss | grep obarun
eric wrote
typo >>> accountSservice-nosystemd
rectified , thanks ;)
exec startkde              
zsh: command not found: startkde 
i'm so stupid, i hope that is the last omission
$ sudo pacman -S plasma-workspace 
plz see this error

after startx

tia !
eric wrote
sudo pacman -Ss | grep obarun
Or better yet, don't over-complicate it with grep and just use -Sl, no root privileges required :)
pacman -Sl obarun
archie wroteplz see this error
Based on the code and KDE Bug # 331063 I'm going to assume plasma{,-workplace} and kf5 aren't properly installed, Do that and then try doing this.
DamnThatsLaser wrote mkdir ~/.config/plasma_bak
mv ~/.config/plasma* ~/.config/plasma_bak
pacman -S plasma kde-applications kf5 [0]
Or assuming you don't know, one can always read the sticky!

A sane person would just use a *box wm or any other tiling wm
i need some extra output if i want to help you :
$ sudo pacman -Qs plasma
$ sudo pacman -Qs qt5
$ sudo pacman -Sl obarun
$ echo "$"$XDG_DATA_DIRS"
please give me the output of this command above

if you try to launch plasmashell was happen. i assume you are on X server
$ plasmashell
ps: i think i need to provide a meta package like plasma-nosystemd to avoid forgotten some package and to be able to install it properly
ps : what 's your video drivers?
thx man !
 pacman -Qs plasma
local/breeze 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
    Artwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma
local/kactivitymanagerd 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
    System service to manage user's activities and track the usage patterns
local/kde-cli-tools 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
    Tools based on KDE Frameworks 5 to better interact with the system
local/kdecoration 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
    Plugin based library to create window decorations
local/kscreenlocker 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
    Library and components for secure lock screen architecture
local/kuiserver 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
    KDE Progress Info UI server
local/kwin 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
    KDE Window manager
local/libksysguard 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
local/milou 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
    A dedicated search application built on top of Baloo
local/plasma-framework 5.24.0-1 (kf5)
    Plasma library and runtime components based upon KF5 and Qt5
local/plasma-integration 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
    Qt Platform Theme integration plugins for the Plasma workspaces
local/plasma-workspace 5.7.3-1 (plasma)
    KDE Plasma Workspace

pacman -Qs qt5
local/attica-qt5 5.24.0-1 (kf5)
    Qt5 library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API
local/libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3+16.04.20160218-1
    A library that provides a Qt implementation of the DBusMenu spec
local/phonon-qt5 4.9.0-1
    The multimedia framework for KF5
local/phonon-qt5-gstreamer 4.9.0-1
    Phonon GStreamer backend for Qt5
local/plasma-framework 5.24.0-1 (kf5)
    Plasma library and runtime components based upon KF5 and Qt5
local/polkit-qt5 0.112.0+git20160226-1
    A library that allows developers to access PolicyKit API with a nice
    Qt-style API
local/qt5-base-nosystemd 5.7.0-2 (qt qt5)
    A cross-platform application and UI framework
local/qt5-declarative 5.7.0-2 (qt qt5)
    Classes for QML and JavaScript languages
local/qt5-location 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
    Provides access to position, satellite and area monitoring classes
local/qt5-multimedia 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
    Classes for audio, video, radio and camera functionality
local/qt5-quickcontrols 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
    Reusable Qt Quick based UI controls to create classic desktop-style user
local/qt5-script 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
    Classes for making Qt applications scriptable. Provided for Qt 4.x
local/qt5-sensors 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
    Provides access to sensor hardware and motion gesture recognition
local/qt5-svg 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
    Classes for displaying the contents of SVG files
local/qt5-tools 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
    A cross-platform application and UI framework (Development Tools, QtHelp)
local/qt5-webchannel 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
    Provides access to QObject or QML objects from HTML clients for seamless
    integration of Qt applications with HTML/JavaScript clients
local/qt5-webkit 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
    Classes for a WebKit2 based implementation and a new QML API
local/qt5-x11extras 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
    Provides platform-specific APIs for X11
local/qt5-xmlpatterns 5.7.0-1 (qt qt5)
    Support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML schema validation
local/sonnet 5.24.0-1 (kf5)
    Spelling framework for Qt5

pacman -Sl obarun
obarun accountsservice-nosystemd 0.6.42-1
obarun cgmanager-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun colord-nosystemd 1.3.2-2 [installed]
obarun connman-vpnd-runitserv 0.1-4
obarun connmand-runitserv 0.1-4
obarun connmand-s6rcserv 0.1-1 [installed]
obarun consolekit-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun consolekit-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun consolekit2 1.0.2-1 [installed]
obarun crda-nosystemd 3.18-2 [installed]
obarun cups-nosystemd 2.1.4-1
obarun cups-pdf-nosystemd 2.6.1-5
obarun cups-runitserv 0.1-4
obarun cups-s6rcserv 0.1-1
obarun cups-s6serv 0.1-2
obarun dbus-nosystemd 1.10.8-1 [installed]
obarun dbus-runitserv 0.2-3
obarun dbus-s6rcserv 0.1-2 [installed]
obarun dbus-s6serv 0.1-4
obarun device-mapper-nosystemd 2.02.162-1 [installed]
obarun dhclient-s6rcserv 0.1-1
obarun dhclient-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun dhcpcd-nosystemd 6.11.2-1 [installed]
obarun dhcpcd-runitserv 0.2-2
obarun dhcpcd-s6rcserv 0.1-1
obarun dhcpcd-s6serv 0.1-3
obarun dmraid-nosystemd 1.0.0.rc16.3-11 [installed]
obarun dmraid-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun dmraid-s6rcserv 0.1-2
obarun eudev-obarun 3.2-1 [installed]
obarun execline [installed]
obarun filesystem-obarun 2015.09-5 [installed]
obarun ghostscript-nosystemd 9.19-2
obarun gpm-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun gpm-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun haveged-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun haveged-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun icecat 38.8.0-6
obarun ip6tables-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun iptables-nosystemd 1.6.0-1 [installed]
obarun iptables-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun kickshaw 0.5-2 [installed]
obarun libatasmart-nosystemd 0.19-3 [installed]
obarun libcups-nosystemd 2.1.4-1 [installed]
obarun libdbus-nosystemd 1.10.8-1 [installed]
obarun libgudev-nosystemd 230-2 [installed]
obarun libinput-nosystemd 1.4.1-1 [installed]
obarun libmbim-nosystemd 1.14.0-1
obarun libmm-glib-nosystemd 1.6.0-1
obarun libnm-glib-nosystemd 1.2.4-1
obarun libpulse-nosystemd 9.0-1 [installed]
obarun libusb-nosystemd 1.0.20-2 [installed]
obarun libutil-linux-nosystemd 2.28-2 [installed]
obarun libva-mesa-driver-nosystemd 12.0.1-5 [installed]
obarun libwacom-nosystemd 0.21-1 [installed]
obarun lirc-nosystemd 1:0.9.4.a-2
obarun lirc-s6rcserv 0.1-2
obarun lircd-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun lircmd-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun lvm2-nosystemd 2.02.162-1 [installed]
obarun lxc 1:lxc.2.0.0.r222.gb997714-1
obarun media-player-info-nosystemd 22-2 [installed]
obarun mesa-libgl-nosystemd 12.0.1-5 [installed]
obarun mesa-nosystemd 12.0.1-5 [installed]
obarun mesa-vdpau-nosystemd 12.0.1-5 [installed]
obarun mkinitcpio-nosystemd 20-1 [installed]
obarun modemmanager-nosystemd 1.6.0-1
obarun mysqld-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun mysqld-s6serv 0.1-2
obarun networkmanager-nosystemd 1.2.4-1
obarun networkmanager-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun networkmanager-s6rcserv 0.1-1
obarun networkmanager-s6serv 0.1-2
obarun nfs-utils-nosystemd 1.3.3-4 [installed]
obarun nfs-utils-runitserv 0.1-4
obarun nfs-utils-s6rcserv 0.1-4 [installed]
obarun nscd-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun nscd-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun ntpd-runitserv 0.1-3
obarun ntpd-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun obarun-build 0.0.1-1
obarun obarun-install 0.8.0-2
obarun obarun-libs 0.0.3-1 [installed]
obarun obarun-mkiso 0.0.2-2
obarun obshutdown-git 20120701-3 [installed]
obarun opencl-mesa-nosystemd 12.0.1-5 [installed]
obarun openntpd-nosystemd 6.0p1-3
obarun openssh-nosystemd 7.3p1-2
obarun pacopts 0.0.4-1 [installed]
obarun pcmciautils-nosystemd 018-8 [installed]
obarun polkit-nosystemd 0.113-7 [installed]
obarun procps-ng-nosystemd 3.3.12-1 [installed]
obarun pulseaudio-bluetooth-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun pulseaudio-equalizer-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun pulseaudio-gconf-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun pulseaudio-jack-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun pulseaudio-lirc-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun pulseaudio-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun pulseaudio-xen-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun pulseaudio-zeroconf-nosystemd 9.0-1
obarun qt5-base-nosystemd 5.7.0-2 [installed]
obarun qtwebkit-nosystemd 2.3.4-4 [installed]
obarun rpc.statd-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun rpcbind-nosystemd 0.2.3-5 [installed]
obarun rpcbind-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun rtkit-nosystemd 0.11-6 [installed]
obarun rtkit-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun rtkit-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun runit-obarun 0.3.0-1
obarun s6 [installed]
obarun s6-boot 0.1.1-4 [installed]
obarun s6-linux-utils [installed]
obarun s6-portable-utils [installed]
obarun s6-rc [installed]
obarun s6opts 0.1.0-2 [installed]
obarun sddm-nosystemd 0.13.0-4
obarun sddm-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun sddm-s6rcserv 0.1-1
obarun sddm-s6serv 0.1-2
obarun skalibs [installed]
obarun socklog-obarun 2.1.0-4
obarun spacefm-obarun 1.0.5-1 [installed]
obarun sshd-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun sshd-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun svopts-obarun r15.ca1670d-1
obarun syslog-ng-nosystemd 3.6.3-3
obarun syslog-ng-runitserv 0.1-3
obarun syslogds6-s6serv 0.1-1 [installed]
obarun udisks-nosystemd 1.0.5-2
obarun udisks-runitserv 0.1-1
obarun udisks-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun udisks2-nosystemd 2.1.7-2 [installed]
obarun upower-nosystemd 0.99.4+12+g402640b-2 [installed]
obarun util-linux-nosystemd 2.28-2 [installed]
obarun uuidd-runitserv 0.1-3
obarun uuidd-s6serv 0.1-1
obarun vdev-git r755.e77f02e-1
obarun vdev-libudev-compat-git r755.e77f02e-1
obarun vdevfs-git r755.e77f02e-1
obarun vulkan-intel-nosystemd 12.0.1-5
obarun wpa-supplicant-runitserv 0.1-4
obarun wpa-supplicant-s6rcserv 0.1-1 [installed]
obarun wpa-supplicant-s6serv 0.1-2
obarun x2goserver-runitserv 0.1-2
obarun xf86-input-evdev-nosystemd 2.10.3-1 [installed]
obarun xf86-input-libinput-nosystemd 0.19.0-1 [installed]
obarun xf86-input-vmmouse-nosystemd 13.1.0-5 [installed]
obarun xf86-video-ati-nosystemd 1:7.7.0-1 [installed]
obarun xf86-video-nouveau-nosystemd 1.0.12-3 [installed]
obarun xf86-video-openchrome-nosystemd 0.5.0-1 [installed]
obarun xinetd-runitserv 0.1-3
obarun xorg-server-common-nosystemd 1.18.4-1 [installed]
obarun xorg-server-devel-nosystemd 1.18.4-1
obarun xorg-server-nosystemd 1.18.4-1 [installed]
obarun xorg-server-xdmx-nosystemd 1.18.4-1
obarun xorg-server-xephyr-nosystemd 1.18.4-1
obarun xorg-server-xnest-nosystemd 1.18.4-1
obarun xorg-server-xvfb-nosystemd 1.18.4-1
obarun xorg-server-xwayland-nosystemd 1.18.4-1

 echo "$XDG_DATA_DIRS" 

Doing some test on fresh installation and i come back....
eric wrote
$ plasmashell
ps : what 's your video drivers?
QXcbConnection: could not connect to display
zshell: abort    plasmashell
lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0106] (rev 09) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
	Subsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] Device [1025:0718]
	Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 28
	Memory at 90000000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4M]
	Memory at 80000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
	I/O ports at 3000 [size=64]
	[virtual] Expansion ROM at 000c0000 [disabled] [size=128K]
	Capabilities: [90] MSI: Enable+ Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit-
	Capabilities: [d0] Power Management version 2
	Capabilities: [a4] PCI Advanced Features
	Kernel driver in use: i915
	Kernel modules: i915
the test is not finished but try this:
remove your ~/.cache directory
then export a good variable for the display e.g. export DISPLAY=:0
then restart X
 rm /xxx/.cache
rm: cannot remove '/xxx/.cache': Is a directory

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