Hello everyone!

I was working on alpine's /init script and started contemplating if/how it would look like if it was a set of obarun services. I thought this would be a fun experiment so I wanted to share my ideas. Currently, alpine's init script is the bane of my existence as it's a single shell script that's very hard to extend, and I thought that 66 could offer the possibility to split up everything.

It seems systemd always uses service template files for the initramfs init, so it's not that far off.

Firstly, I think the correct way to do this would be to create a module file which contains all the needed files for each specific service. The services can easily be well isolated: busybox-init, skeleton, keymap, networking, storage, etc..


Of course, the only interesting part is to think about the known issues that could be encountered.

1. Re-usable functions

Currently, afaik, I don't think there is a way to re-use many scripts in many obarun services, expect maybe putting all the needed scripts in a file and then manually loading that file in each service module that needs it. Examples of re-usable functions in alpine's init script are: ebegin, eend, rc_add, ``, etc..

OpenRC has /lib/rc/sh/functions.sh and /lib/rc/bin/* which is automatically added to any module's path I think

2. Shared environment

I'm not sure if this is possible that module service files can have a shared, but dynamic environment. For example, it would be nice that not each script needs to parse the kernel cmdline each time, and that task can be delegated to one service, which can then maybe update the whole environment of the whole module service.

Also useful in scenarios like this: add openssh to pkgs_to_install when the cmdline option ssh_key is detected.

That would be nice, atleast I think so.

3. Extensibility

Module services are currently too isolated, and this means that we can't easily do cool stuff like these (alpine's init script suffers the same too):

  1. add unlOkr or clevis to ease unlocking of LUKS partitions. All these services would need to do is say provides=( luks-decrypt ) (or requiredby in case they still want to use the normal method as fallback, assuming luks-decrypt would skip already decrypted-devices.
  2. add boot speed measuring using stuff like bootchart
  3. Show a custom bootsplash using pbsplash
  4. etc...

4. Conditional starting of services

For instance, alpine's init script only tries to do networking if it detects the apkovl or alpine_repo is a http(s)://* uri. I wonder if it would be possible for services to start other services inside the module conditionally.

What do you think? would this be a good approach? I also wonder if trees wouldn't be better in this scenario: Add a tree called initrd, add some services to it, copy it to the initramfs and start that tree when the system boots up in the initramfs, instead of using an isolated module service.

  • eric replied to this.

    vixalien 1. Re-usable functions

    It will work on 66 too. You can write your execute field with the language that you want. So you can e.g. do:

    exec 2>&1
    . /path/to/lib

    vixalien 2. Shared environment
    Each sandir start with it own environment variable meaning /etc/66/environment for root and $HOME/.66/environment for regular user. You can define your environment variable by file on this directory.
    You can also have a script which parse the kernel commandline, write the result in some place and adapt your environment variable for the service. For instance, each service will contain

       execl-envfile ${ImportFile} 

    vixalien 3. Extensibility

    You're not forced to use module, you can use separated services activated or not depending of your environment variables.

    vixalien 4. Conditional starting of services

    I see no reason to not be able to do exactly the same on 66.

    Well, making this kind of stuff can be complicated to construct and force you to start a scandir inside the initramfs. Without this scandir you will not be able to start any service.
    I don't know if you will get a real benefit to do it, never tried. Some other part of 66 and Obarun need my attention before trying this kind of stuff. But well, i can help you on that if you lead the project.

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