v0.8.0 major release.

The functionnality to make an ISO was removed from this package. It now on obarun-mkiso.

new features :
- Permanent change for the configuration variables : the change about configuration variables is now saved at /etc/obarun/install.conf (same thing for obarun-mkiso but at /etc/obarun/mkiso.conf).
- You can now disable the auto update function on /etc/obarun/install.conf putting the variable udpate to no : update="no"
- You can use a different gnupg directory on /etc/obarun/install.conf

file place installation are changed :

obarun-install main script is now installed at /usr/bin/obarun-install
functions file by the script is installed at /usr/lib/obarun
the directory config is installed at /var/lib/obarun/obarun-install

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