I'm more as impressive and see that more and more distri walk an alternative way

By the way
I tried yesterday to download and I got a 404, it looks that 0.0.5 should be named to 0.5.0 s6 the same.
In a VBox S6 denied to start
On a USB on my Laptop, running fine.

After reading I am a little confused with s6 vs runit
My question
What will be the future? S6 or runit or both? I want give it a try at least on one laptop.

Thx for your works

welcome Rungaith :)
I tried yesterday to download and I got a 404, it looks that 0.0.5 should be named to 0.5.0 s6 the same.
i saw the error , this was fixed, normaly
In a VBox S6 denied to start
this is suprised me, can you give some details about this trouble?
What will be the future? S6 or runit or both?
both, but i do not implement new features for runit, i concentrate my effords on S6. Runit works like a charm as it :)
eric wrote but i do not implement new features for runit
With time, if I feel runit needs more features -- I will personally hack it :)
But for now, runit just works.
Thanks for the welcome

Attached one picture (my old cellphone) s6 and VBox, oops I see now no attachment possible


the last messege VBox, host Arch Linux OpenRC latest VBox recompiled with Qt5.6

3 lines after Obarun Linux 4.7 ......

[7,9066783]snd_intel 8x0 0000:00:05:0: measure - unrealiable DMA psition..

As mentioned before start with a stick like a charme.

Which is the best recommandation? S6 (I am curious) or runit. To both I am new.

I using UFW, NFS, CUPS, NTP, clamav, no games and Xfce

Rungaith wroteoops I see now no attachment possible
1. upload image to any file hosting site.
(I prefer any of the pomf clones, here Or just use imgur. doesn't matter.)
2. copy the direct image link (should end in a extension like: .jpg, .png, .webp, etc)
3. paste the link within the img tag in the reply field.
4. submit.
Rungaith wrote3 lines after Obarun Linux 4.7 ......
A search query for this error will give thousands of results.
Please, Post more details.
Rungaith wroteWhich is the best recommandation?
This is subjective, Do not rely on anyone's answer until you've tried them both. For instance, Runit and s6 are like the long standing argument of more(1) and less(1). [1] The command less(1) was invented to add more features than the more(1) command, But eventually more(1) added some of the features that less introduced*. So using either more or less, won't change anything about the purpose overall. After all, both more(1) and less(1) are just pagers.

Tl;Dr: it doesn't matter. Try both of them, Understand them, and then decide which one you like.

Rungaith wroteI using UFW, NFS, CUPS, NTP, clamav, no games and Xfce
All these things are init-independent. They don't need a specific init to function properly
Rungaith wroteclamav

[1] https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/unix/MoreAndUnixFossilization
* = And then there's the odd ball pager called most, that offers the same thing as more and less but offers more windows. OpenRC, anyone?
Thx for the answer

I know it exist some hosting sites, I never have applied for any....................

I know search engines, if important I search before posting any where, it was an information only

clamav with 6?
The old question, I use it sometimes, it is very simple I get sticks from win, simple I check before use, experience: the infection rate is too high to accept

When time and I have my head free to do, I will install and test it
Rungaith wroteI know it exist some hosting sites, I never have applied for any
How hard can it be?
A. Upload image from web browser
B. Upload image from cURL
curl -F'file=@ screenshot.png' https://0x0.st
Or C. Do not upload image, and just post more details :)
Rungaith wroteI get sticks from win
Assuming you mean, "I get usb sticks from windows" then yes, but generally I find clamav on *nix redundant, A much better approach to security are:
FreeBSD's jail(8)
OpenBSD's pledge(2)
Linux LXC Or Firejail

Software Policies:
Grsecurity's PAX/RBAC
AppArmor's MAC/DAC
SELinux's MAC (NSA in your boxen.)

Unless you meant checking the ISO for viruses, in which case there is a better and faster way.
Check the md5 checksum of the file and compare with obarun
1. Open Windows Command Prompt
CertUtil -hashfile Obarun_x86_64-*.iso MD5 :: [0]
[0] http://superuser.com/a/898377
That is not hard

Also with a pic u will not see more. Start in VBox and stops at the mentioned point.
What kind of "more", u mean the VBox log?

runit start as normal. VBox is the 1st step of a look.

It was too early for me, correctly

USB sticks from win users.
I will not start this kind of discuss which u can find on mass in the net. I using clamav without clamd and only for one purpose.
Rungaith wroteUSB sticks from win users.

This is not what i meant at all. I'm guessing a translator is screwing with the context of my replies..
Can you please explain what you meant by this?
Rungaith wroteI get sticks from win
Because I clearly misinterpreted it...
Rungaith wroteI using clamav without clamd and only for one purpose.
I updated my previous reply
Rungaith wrote [7,9066783]snd_intel 8x0 0000:00:05:0: measure - unrealiable DMA psition..
Searching for your vbox issue on searx gave me this search result. That lead me to this solution:


This is because of a 2 year old kernel commit

P.S Make sure you are using vbox 5.1.4
Rungaith wroteI know search engines, if important I search before posting any where, it was an information only
Are you sure about that?
Now again

I have no issue that was an information only

I get/got answers and a little more what I asked for.

And yes, i use the latest VBox I mentioned it before

and also yes i know something like search engine, and yes i am able to use it (if important)

I dont know what your intention are but .............

I stop for now its became a little silly

Sry for my English, I am not a native
may be you can try to disable audio from vbox configuration to see if the trouble persist, or maybe you can try different options to configure the audio (like ICH AC97 on audio tab) on the vbox configuration. Honestly with this few error message is difficult to see and find the trouble.
i guess bit ask you about ~/VirtualBox VMs/name_of_the_machines/Logs/VBox.log, A complete "dmesg" exist on this file :)
Pls dont ask me why, its running now.

The only thing what I did, uninstall the extension pack and reinstall

The vbox.log, sry I asked him and what came back?

so never mind, I have both on a USB stick and have to wait for some hours free time

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