Those following changes must be made before 2016/09/30
All the package with the suffix -nosystemd are renamed to the same name but without the suffix, it means e.g foo-nosystemd become foo.
A special repository named staging was made to permit the change smoothly.This repository must be placed before all other repo onto your pacman.conf. It will be erased at the end of this month. To enable it, add this entry onto your pacman.conf
Do not forget, pacman choose a package in function of the first repository where it found him, so always place obarun-testing and obarun repositories before all other if you do not want trouble on your system.
How to
Firstly, you need to be sure that your system is up to date. Some packages were rebuild to avoid troubles with the change, in particular package service.
Pacman make a backup of the following files if you have modified it (e.g. if you have not changing the file hosts, the package do not create hosts.pacsave) :
rename all finding xxx.pacsave to xxx e.g. /etc/fstab.pacsave become /etc/fstab. All the change must be made before exit from root user or reboot in particular the file passwd gshadow shadow group fstab.
Then deconnect from root user
In general way, If you have a trouble concerning dependencies just remove the package which cause trouble and replace it e.g:
Note : all these new packages were build with obarun-build build features ( ho yes, we can make now : $ obarun-build build foo :) ). It means, a fresh container is created with the base group and base-devel group installed on it, then the package is builded on it and the resulting package is saved e.g. lt /var/cache/obarun/pkg. Very, very safe for the host and to found dependencies trouble ( last example is sddm with libdbus)
All the package with the suffix -nosystemd are renamed to the same name but without the suffix, it means e.g foo-nosystemd become foo.
A special repository named staging was made to permit the change smoothly.This repository must be placed before all other repo onto your pacman.conf. It will be erased at the end of this month. To enable it, add this entry onto your pacman.conf
SigLevel = PackageRequired
Server =$arch/staging
After the date 2016/09/30, all the package from staging will be pushed on obarun repository, then the repository staging will be removed and all the packages from obarun repository with the suffix -nosystemd will be erased.Do not forget, pacman choose a package in function of the first repository where it found him, so always place obarun-testing and obarun repositories before all other if you do not want trouble on your system.
How to
Firstly, you need to be sure that your system is up to date. Some packages were rebuild to avoid troubles with the change, in particular package service.
$ sudo pacman -Syy
The filesystem-obarun was renamed to filesystem. You must udpate this package before all other. You MUST install the package with root user (not root privilege), so don't use sudo but change you user by root user :
$ su root
then update the package
$ pacman -S filesystem
Pacman ask you if you want to replace the package filesystem-obarun, answer yes.Pacman make a backup of the following files if you have modified it (e.g. if you have not changing the file hosts, the package do not create hosts.pacsave) :
rename all finding xxx.pacsave to xxx e.g. /etc/fstab.pacsave become /etc/fstab. All the change must be made before exit from root user or reboot in particular the file passwd gshadow shadow group fstab.
Then deconnect from root user
$ exit
Now you are ready to update all other package. A multiple way can be apply to make the change , depends of your preference, your skill, your system etc. For example to make it automaticaly, try this:
$ for i in $(pacman -Slq staging); do trap exit_ INT ERR QUIT KILL STOP TERM;exit_(){ break };export exit_;sudo pacman -S $i;done
pacman ask you if you want to replace package e.g. foo-nosystemd by foo. Answer yes for all.In general way, If you have a trouble concerning dependencies just remove the package which cause trouble and replace it e.g:
$ sudo pacman -Rdd foo-nosystemd
$ sudo pacman -S foo
Don't hesitate to post any question before make the change if you are not sure :)Note : all these new packages were build with obarun-build build features ( ho yes, we can make now : $ obarun-build build foo :) ). It means, a fresh container is created with the base group and base-devel group installed on it, then the package is builded on it and the resulting package is saved e.g. lt /var/cache/obarun/pkg. Very, very safe for the host and to found dependencies trouble ( last example is sddm with libdbus)