The version need a manual intervention before using it :
$ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/update_package
This is force the obarun-install script to make a clean directory before fetching the git repository.

Some important changes come with this version

Changes :

- Yaourt is replaced by cower. Yaourt is a very useful script but so complex just for installing AUR package and not adapted to incorpote it onto some scripting.
:: Packages with a group name is now allowed e.g base-devel, s6-suite, ...
:: The e.g. /var/lib/obarun/obarun-install/config/{openbox,openboxS6,plasma,...}/package_list/base files need to be ever present.. The rest of the files can be now named as you want without the prefix repo_ or aur_.
We don't need to separate package coming from official repo and AUR packages. Obarun-install detect automaticaly from where packages come.
The dependencies coming from AUR is automaticaly detected and installed before the main package e.g. obmenu-generator need perl-linux-desktopfiles as dependency, so obarun-install download, compile and install perl-linux-desktopfiles then install obmenu-generator.
- The Resume an aborted installation entry menu has removed.
:: obarun-install script check now automaticaly if packages are missing and do the necessary.
- fix minor bugs

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