Was lurking around in the Archbang forum and found this Arch spin.

Like it very much.

My plan is to install it on real hardware pretty soon and try to use it as my main OS.
Right now I use Manjaro-OpenRC and it's pretty good, although a distro that is closer to Arch and doesn't have too much of their "own stuff" seems to be more favorable.
All this without systemd...

Using Linux as my only OS for several years now, and although I try out a lot of different distributions I always come back to Arch based ones.
Pacman is the best package manager, very powerful but easy to use.
Used OpenBox as desktop environment for many years, but lately also using i3 (a tiling window manager).

Anyhow, please keep up the good work.
It's truly appreciated.

klaatu wrote I always come back to Arch based ones.
Pacman is the best package manager, very powerful but easy to use.
Hello and welcome,

Thanks you for your encouragement :)

Same case for me. Arch is the best distro with powerful tools but simple to understand and apply. Pkgbuild and makepkg are two tools so good. I can make every I want (following my knowledge) and adapt packages like I want.
Simple sharing work because if i want to keep arch without systemd i am not surely the only guy with this thought.
I hope my contribution go to give you satisfaction :)

if you have an idea, find a bugs, etc.. don't hesitate

Actually i have obarun installed on two hardware. one for make test , package compilation, site work etc. the other for my wife :) but stable (v0.4.1).

I'm an arch user for several years on production, a good system, but since the adoption of systemd i've got many difficulties on my hardware. So Obarun sound good for me.

Go on.

herve wroteHello

I'm an arch user for several years on production, a good system, but since the adoption of systemd i've got many difficulties on my hardware. So Obarun sound good for me.

Go on.

Welcome herve,

It's a Pleasure to see you here.

Don't hesitate to give a back or criticize if you find somethings wrong.

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