Hello Mr. Green(Eric) and all,

Greetings from S.Korea :-)

I've come across Obarun while I've been searching non-systemd offerings for my work as well as home use.
Obarun reminded me of the days I enjoyed Firefly 0.3 of Arch back in 2002 or Slack back in 1993.
Obarun s6 is small, rock solid, dependable and even charming with s6 init system. So far so good. (still the best!)

I replaced two laptops and a desktop; one for work and another for home, a desktop in Church.
And I'm trying to convert my colleague's. I think I was successful to make him(brian *gasp*) convinced. Haha.

I would like to appreciate your great work around Obarun. Oh syslinux is another surprise to me :-0
Please keep your good work.
I think many folks should appreciate you due to your gorgeous work melt in Obarun and it will definitely improve their productivity.

It simply works for me and saved many days.
(end of distro hopping? I hope so. - Slack/Gentoo/Crux are all charming though)

Thanks again,

thanks for your encouragments and welcome.

Just a one things : i'm not Mr.Green lol, i'm simply eric. Mr.Green works for archbang

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