This Is my JWM wm made with obarun

cool, can you share some pictures with some opened windows to see the windows decoration on JWM?
JWM Theme is Arc-Dark, icons are Ice-glass The Menu is dynamic but it needs reloading when new programs are loaded to keep the speed.
the Icon between gnome gtk3 apps are different but ok as the normall gtk3 apps match, jwm headers are colour matched very easy with jwm, the config file has been split into categories quite common as it makes it easier to do custom settings.

very nice, jwm seem interesting...
may be you can make a general template for obarun-intall? Can be easy to make.
I can't promise but will try my best after I do a clean -up
ask me if you need deeply explanations for doing thing, i can help you for the customizechroot scripts with pleasure.
3 months later

JWM running on s6, ultra fast and smooth
Please, please, please, share your system with obarun-install for jwm. just give me your package list and the configuration file for jwm, i will make a template for it....
eric wrotePlease, please, please, share your system with obarun-install for jwm. just give me your package list and the configuration file for jwm, i will make a template for it....
Sorry it slipped my mind I will pm later you with the conf files its copy paste its not that hard, I would love to see a build for JWM.
Eric your email contact address is not working
have you tried maling me trough the forum? if it's the case , please try directly by your mail application. eric@
Using JWM too. For having some basic desktop icons, added to .jwmrc:
<!-- Tray at the desktop. -->
<Tray layout="vertical" x="10" y="10" layer="0" border="0">
<TrayButton label="Programs"></TrayButton>
<TrayButton popup="netsurf" icon="netsurf.png">exec:netsurf</TrayButton>

<Tray layout="vertical" x="74" y="10" layer="0" border="0"> 
<TrayButton label="Tools"></TrayButton>
<TrayButton popup="urxvtc" icon="urxvtc.png">exec:urxvtc</TrayButton>

<Tray layout="vertical" x="138" y="10" layer="0" border="0">
<TrayButton label="Folder"></TrayButton>
<TrayButton popup="pcmanfm" icon="pcmanfm.png">exec:pcmanfm</TrayButton> 
I don't use the .jwmrc: file I simplify it all with a .JWM folder and split it all Like menu file, start file, preferences file, etc + a menu entry to click and edit each individual file all simple, with a xdg menu as well that works with reconfig in the static menu to make the menu faster than a dynamic menu.
24 days later
7 months later
Here's a peek of my Obarun Openbox after just a little configuration of the Kickshaw menu and window theme (which changes the look of the menu)...still have more to go. I deeply apologize to eric, because I know he spent time making the menu...I'm a minimalist at heart. :p

Click to enlarge...

no apologize is needed, This is exactly the purpose, i provide a simple configuration to show examples, the user to change things to his taste. Obarun is a build concept, not a distro ;).
It's a Pleasure to see another theme configuration.
mandog, eric, nonico, all in one thread, it is like a dream come true.
@ ray
thanks to sharing this, another good minimalist theme. Maybe you can share your conky configuration file for other people?
@ eric
Sure, below is my conky.conf. Obviously, wifi interface (wlp1s0b1) should be changed as per your system. And conky.conf may be edited as you wish (for ex, {exec lscpu | grep 'Model name' | cut -c 22- | cut -d' ' -f1-4} may be replaced by its output in terminal). If you like haiku, just install fortune-mod-issa-haiku from AUR and make file conky1.conf for it.

Edit1: My conky.conf is updated to show MEM size (MiB) instead of %.
Also, a lot of stuff here > Arch conky configs and screenshots
conky.config = {
    default_color = 'white',
    alignment = 'top_right',
    background = false,
    border_width = 1,
    cpu_avg_samples = 2,
    draw_borders = false,
    draw_graph_borders = true,
    draw_outline = false,
    draw_shades = false,
    use_xft = true,
    font = 'DejaVu Sans Mono:size=8',
    gap_x = 3,
    gap_y = 30,
    minimum_height = 5,
	minimum_width = 5,
	net_avg_samples = 2,
    no_buffers = true,
    out_to_console = false,
    out_to_stderr = false,
    extra_newline = false,
    own_window = true,
    own_window_class = 'Conky',
    own_window_type = 'desktop',
    own_window_transparent = true,
    own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
 own_window_argb_visual = true,    
 own_window_argb_value = 0,
    stippled_borders = 0,
    uppercase = false,
    use_spacer = 'none',
    show_graph_scale = false,
    show_graph_range = false,
    update_interval = 5.0
conky.text = [[
${color}${sysname} ${kernel} $alignr Obarun  Openbox
${color}Intel Atom CPU N455:$color $cpu% ${cpubar 3}
${color}Frequency:$color ${freq_g}GHz
${color}Temperature:$color ${acpitemp}°C
${color}RAM:$color $mem/$memmax - $memperc% ${membar 3}
${color}Swap:$color $swap/$swapmax - $swapperc% ${swapbar 3}
${color}Processes:$color $processes  ${color}Running:$color $running_processes
${color}Packages:$color  ${execi 60 ~/.config/conky/pkgnum}
${color}Uptime:$color $uptime
${color}File system: $color${fs_used /}/${fs_size /} ${fs_bar 3 /}
${color}Wifi signal: $color${wireless_link_qual_perc wlp1s0b1}%
Up:$color ${upspeedf wlp1s0b1} ${color} Down:$color ${downspeedf wlp1s0b1}
${color red}Download: $color${totaldown wlp1s0b1}$alignr${color green}Upload: $color${totalup wlp1s0b1} 
${color}Process        $alignr PID    CPU%      MEM
${color}${top_mem name 1}${top_mem pid 1} ${top_mem cpu 1}  $alignr${top_mem mem_res 1}
${color}${top_mem name 2}${top_mem pid 2} ${top_mem cpu 2}  $alignr${top_mem mem_res 2}
${color}${top_mem name 3}${top_mem pid 3} ${top_mem cpu 3}  $alignr${top_mem mem_res 3}
${color}${top_mem name 4}${top_mem pid 4} ${top_mem cpu 4}  $alignr${top_mem mem_res 4}
${color}${top_mem name 5}${top_mem pid 5} ${top_mem cpu 5}  $alignr${top_mem mem_res 5}
${color}${top_mem name 6}${top_mem pid 6} ${top_mem cpu 6}  $alignr${top_mem mem_res 6}
${color}${top_mem name 7}${top_mem pid 7} ${top_mem cpu 7}  $alignr${top_mem mem_res 7}
${color}${top_mem name 8}${top_mem pid 8} ${top_mem cpu 8}  $alignr${top_mem mem_res 8}
${color}${top_mem name 9}${top_mem pid 9} ${top_mem cpu 9}  $alignr${top_mem mem_res 9}

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