After reading some pages and comments about a possible association of Obarun with Artix projects on different place, i want to be clear for all Obarun's users :

Obarun will not go to join Artix projects.
Artix is Artix, Obarun stay Obarun.
Obarun will not use repositories coming from Artix.
Obarun will not use tools coming from Artix.

Artix is an interesting projects but it doesn't correspond of the philosophy of Obarun. Obarun do not use any systemdcompact package or relative lib systemd fake and till less elogind.

The choice of Artix concerning packages management is not the same too. The goal of Artix is to become a distro and replace all repositories of Archlinux. Obarun is not a distro, Obarun is a build concept and a fork of Archlinux. Obarun will keep all repositories coming from Arch. We do not have conflicting packages with Archlinux and i will make my best to keep it as it.

And even more over that, Obarun use a different init system and only one. S6 is so beautiful, stable and allow as many features as systemd (be able to launch a complete supervision tree with user privileges as coming soon ;) ) but with better design and concept, less packages size, less dependencies...

Note : at the moment, the first and only place where you can find S6 supervision suite as system init and service manager for a desktop machine is here

Eric Vidal(eric@, conceptor, maintainer and developper of Obarun.
I totally Agree with you + you take the obarun concept as you do arch and build the ideal system for your needs
2 months later
I think that arch-openrc was much closer in philosophy to obarun than artix is.
Artix seems to be evolving into a manjaro system with openrc. But it is not Manjaro, it is Arch modified.

It took a day and an installation of obarun to realize more things about artix than I have after 3-4mos using it.
I respect obarun's commitment, ideals, specific philosophy but I still like artix.

yaourt and yaourt-gui had a systemd dependency, I would have never thought that. I used it in artix for browsing
and comparing AUR pkgs. I didn't even realize it came modified from artix and not straight from arch.

I also got a warning from something that had free.desktop stuff in it and it is rejected. I kept seeing errors and
warnings about such stuff in artix.
I can't have my customized conky stuff here, but I didn't know what it needs to run. Wow! This is like a cabin
in the woods infested by snakes.
4 years later
I can see how challenging it is to maintain a project like this. If there is anything I can do to help, I would love to support the initiative. My computing skills are elementary but growing (and I'm prepared to learn) and I have twin careers as professional writer and communications consultant.

Email me if you have any task you need help with, however menial.
I have answered you at the xmpp obarun channel but i answer here too.
make bug reports, tell us when you find something wrong, give idea... this will help us a lot
making publicity around you about obarun(on social media for example), try to know deeply the system and in particular 66
then if you want to learn something in particular just ask.
2 years later
eric unstickied the discussion .

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