A new version of obarun-install is available (github and repo). This new version contain several changes and more features than the previous version.
Change :
- the script customizeChroot is not launched automaticly by the main script. It means, if you don't specifie to run it you have a base without configuration (locale, hostname, runit, etecetera..)
- yaourt save the package that was builded on $newroot/var/cache/pacman/pkg/yaourt. Yaourt choose automaticly (if the build crash and you remake the installation) between packages which has been saved on the cache and packages that need to be build.
- functions have been improved making several tests
- you can edit multiple time the list of packages while you don't specifie to exit of the packages list menu.
New features :
- You can now enter in the directory $newroot with Mc (midnight commander). Very useful to do modifications or verifications during the installation.
- You can resume the installation. It means, when you doing modifications with mc you don't need to reinstall packages.
- An entry to call customizeChroot script was added.
- The defaults option (between bracket on the menu), when you change them, are updated automaticly.
- You can now define for the fresh installation :
- the hostname
- the locale
- the localtime
- create an user with your own choice of name. you can create multiple user with different name if you want.
- rc.conf is automaticly udpated in functions of your choice(keymap, hostname, locale,timezone)
- you can edit the file rc.conf by the editor
- You can enter in the directory $newroot with mc from the customize menu.Very useful to do modifications or verifications during the installation
- You can return to the main menu without stopping the installation.
enjoy it and give me a back please.
Note : the wiki about installation was updated according to this new version.
A new version of obarun-install is available (github and repo). This new version contain several changes and more features than the previous version.
Change :
- the script customizeChroot is not launched automaticly by the main script. It means, if you don't specifie to run it you have a base without configuration (locale, hostname, runit, etecetera..)
- yaourt save the package that was builded on $newroot/var/cache/pacman/pkg/yaourt. Yaourt choose automaticly (if the build crash and you remake the installation) between packages which has been saved on the cache and packages that need to be build.
- functions have been improved making several tests
- you can edit multiple time the list of packages while you don't specifie to exit of the packages list menu.
New features :
- You can now enter in the directory $newroot with Mc (midnight commander). Very useful to do modifications or verifications during the installation.
- You can resume the installation. It means, when you doing modifications with mc you don't need to reinstall packages.
- An entry to call customizeChroot script was added.
- The defaults option (between bracket on the menu), when you change them, are updated automaticly.
- You can now define for the fresh installation :
- the hostname
- the locale
- the localtime
- create an user with your own choice of name. you can create multiple user with different name if you want.
- rc.conf is automaticly udpated in functions of your choice(keymap, hostname, locale,timezone)
- you can edit the file rc.conf by the editor
- You can enter in the directory $newroot with mc from the customize menu.Very useful to do modifications or verifications during the installation
- You can return to the main menu without stopping the installation.
enjoy it and give me a back please.
Note : the wiki about installation was updated according to this new version.