
A new version of obarun-install is available (github and repo). This new version contain several changes and more features than the previous version.

Change :
- the script customizeChroot is not launched automaticly by the main script. It means, if you don't specifie to run it you have a base without configuration (locale, hostname, runit, etecetera..)
- yaourt save the package that was builded on $newroot/var/cache/pacman/pkg/yaourt. Yaourt choose automaticly (if the build crash and you remake the installation) between packages which has been saved on the cache and packages that need to be build.
- functions have been improved making several tests
- you can edit multiple time the list of packages while you don't specifie to exit of the packages list menu.

New features :
- You can now enter in the directory $newroot with Mc (midnight commander). Very useful to do modifications or verifications during the installation.
- You can resume the installation. It means, when you doing modifications with mc you don't need to reinstall packages.
- An entry to call customizeChroot script was added.
- The defaults option (between bracket on the menu), when you change them, are updated automaticly.
- You can now define for the fresh installation :
- the hostname
- the locale
- the localtime
- create an user with your own choice of name. you can create multiple user with different name if you want.
- rc.conf is automaticly udpated in functions of your choice(keymap, hostname, locale,timezone)
- you can edit the file rc.conf by the editor

- You can enter in the directory $newroot with mc from the customize menu.Very useful to do modifications or verifications during the installation
- You can return to the main menu without stopping the installation.

enjoy it and give me a back please.

Note : the wiki about installation was updated according to this new version.
a month later

A new version is available on github and repo.

- cmst was removed and replaced by connman-gtk.
- qt5-base was removed.
- obmenu3 was removed and replaced by kickshaw available on github and obarun repo
- fixing bug about customizeChroot edition
- implement of the new package eudev-libgudev and libgudev-nosystemd
3 months later

Major release, allowing differents desktop environment, you have now the choice between : openbox, xfce4, plasma5. From the last announcement (old announcement :( ) a lot of changes was made. The most important are :

for openbox : (package replacement)

Change about functions :
aur_cache : yaourt cache are now define on $newroot/var/cache/pacman/pkg. This change eradicated the bug about doing pacman -Scc on fresh install. This functions now check if the package are present on cache to avoids downloaded a package again. A check is made to know if the package is already installed too.
resume_install : Now you can stop the installation and return on it latter without make a entire package reinstallation. This functions check if package exist on system, check if exist on cache or download

New features :
call_shell functions : you can enter in chroot on $newroot directly by the scripts. So you can do now every what you want on the new installation ; removing or adding package with pacman, changing locale, adding a user..... so a complete maintaining during installation.
syslinux_menu : this functions make a sub-menu allowing you to configure syslinux installation. -iam -ia -m -a options are available and obviously editing syslinux.cfg file. this is avoids the trouble about syslinux.cfg already in place on the disk
pac_key : this functions implement Eric Vidal gpg signature on the fresh install. Pacman.conf is now configurer to allow gpg signature on obarun repo

all the menu was reorganized and colorized to permit a better lisibility (i hope :))

Note : xfce4 and plasma installation comes with basic environment setup as if you install it from archlinux base, it means you need to configure your desktop as normal way (sound, themes, icones etc etc). A tons of wiki and tutorial are available on internet :). these two desktop are launched with sddm display manager.

EDIT : A bug was found about gpg signature, the new version v0.6.6 fix it. this version fix the problem about building initramfs too.
eric wrote compton-conf->deleted

P.S If it isn't too much to ask, could you provide gtk2 and gtk3 without libcups dependency? Gnome has documentation how to do this for gtk2 and gtk3
Gnome Documentation wrote--disable-cups and --enable-cups. By default the configure script will try to build the cups print backend if the cups libraries are found. These options can be used to explicitly control whether the cups print backend should be built.
Someone already provides a gtk3 variant without colord, broadway, or wayland. on the aur, But I guess forgot about cups(?)

Sadly they dropped the --without-atk-bridge option ;_;
to avoids qt4 installation
P.S If it isn't too much to ask, could you provide gtk2 and gtk3 without libcups dependency? Gnome has documentation how to do this for gtk2 and gtk3
Sorry but not for the moment, i need to make other packages in priority, i agree with you cups dependency is annoying but for the moment isn't my priority, may be latter.
eric wroteSorry but not for the moment, i need to make other packages in priority, i agree with you cups
Alright, I understand :)
eric wroteto avoids qt4 installation
Oh I thought you meant about the configuration file, lol.
8 days later

This the last one and important release. From this one the scripts ask you if you want to update the package from github. Well, it's very useful for me for maintaining this package. The last example is the implementation of libwacom-nosystemd. I had been constraint of make a new version just for one line.
It's not the case anymore. Every changement can be retrieve instantaneously when you launch the script. Obviously you can skip the auto-update if you want, but it's a really good practice to keep it updated.
a month later

This is a major release. You can now make an ISO directly after making a fresh installation.
A sub-menu called iso menu was created to permit the definition of some variable for build the iso like ( iso_name, iso_version and so one)
Some functions was improved (see commit on github)

Well first do this :
$ sudo pacman -Sy obarun-install
then launch the script and update
$ cd /opt/obarun-install
$ sudo ./obarun-install
the script ask you if you want to update, answer yes

I will finish the Do It Yourself wiki page to explain in detail how to use all the options with this scripts :). So a little more patience....

Edit 04/14/2016 : The Do It Yourself wiki is available

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