I've spent the past few hours searching the forum and trying to locate specific instruction on how to get wifi to work in the live installer.
And is it absolutely necessary to have in order to make a minimal installation?
I saved some info on installation instructions to access them while on the live/console and I am going back under for another try,

I also can't find reference on why should obarun needs ext2 to work right. I am on a legacy intel system with non-free wifi.
every template need to have a fully operationnal network. Obviously, you can save download time by defining your own cache directory in the menu with the number 4. refer to the wiki page for more details :
to get wifi to work in the live installer
what do you mean? the installer do not handle any kind of network stuff. the installer use the network setting from the host. if you host do not have network, the installer will not work properly.
Normally, the ISO provide the necessary to have a operationnal network even with wifi. if you have special wifi card, i guess you know how to configure it because you become from Manjaro( so arch).
I also can't find reference on why should obarun needs ext2 to work right.
cause of syslinux stuff, but this is an old behaviour, i need to check if this is needed already, thanks for the remarks. Also, you can use grub if you want, simply do not install the syslinux bootloader when the installer ask it, then before exiting from the script go to the number 10. Now you are into the new system (chroot), so you can install grub and handle it.
I don't know what you mean by host, you can't chroot into the live system, can you?
Manjaro-Openrc and Artix use network-manager and there is an easy conf tool called nmtui.
I couldn't get wpa_supplicant to work and since I have no connection while I am at it
I can't find anything relevant.
I don't know whether the live has a functional DE/DM. Jwm and xinit couldn't start.
I see there is connman in there but I am clueless in configuring it from console.
Eventually I gave up. No net no installation.
i make the assumptions that you use the ISO.if it's not the case, tell me it.
So, the service for connman should be operationnal, to check it simply :
$ sudo s6opts status connmand-longrun wpa-supplicant-longrun
so now, to configure network on console use connmanctl command, check this page : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ConnMan
I don't know whether the live has a functional DE/DM. Jwm and xinit couldn't start.
Are you tell me that the X do not start with the ISO?
normally if you log on with obarun user the X start automatically.

NOTE : freenode channel # obarun ;)
No, I never got to X, it was all console. Maybe I didn't log in as obarun but 95% sure that I did at least once. Xinit didn't start it from root that is for sure. If I had a net connection I think I could have made it work, with sddm at least that I am familiar or lightdm.
The other problem that I have is that I use a tv screen as display which usually is misidentified by the gfx and gives me tiny font on console. So after a while my eyes get watery.


I scratched the iso as I gave up yesterday and was fiddling with refracted devuan 2 ascii with openrc
I'll try again today.
this is weird, maybe you have a special video card, the most common driver are installed on the ISO, except intel which is normally work without it with the mesa package.
Or maybe you have a glitch with your ISO download process, check the md5sum to be sure.
if you try again and your X doesn't start with startx command, can you please give me the general output of the fail. thanks.
Yes, I've run in the same problem before. I have intel i915 or i9xx as it called in xserver terminology.
How do I get the output from console into a file? Should I just cut the bottom of xorg.0.log from live and save it to another disk?
To have output of the startx command :
$ startx > startx.log 2>&1
obviously you can redirect the output on some other partition or USB stick, whatever e.g.:
$ startx > /dev/sdb1 2>&1
I don't know if you managed to get the network with connmand, so maybe before booting the ISO you can download the xf86-video-intel from obarun repo : http://repo.obarun.org/x86_64/xf86-video-intel-1:2.99.917+800+g37a682aa-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz, then boot on the ISO and install the package with :
# pacman -U /path/to/find/xf86-video-intel-1:2.99.917+800+g37a682aa-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
Note : if you want to have persistent change on the ISO follow the post # 4 on this page https://forum.obarun.org/viewtopic.php?id=245
I wish I knew before :)
I have the three last versions of it sitting locally at my artix/cache
i will be very clear with you, if you use package which do not come from obarun repo you will go on trouble. I do not have the same manner to build package as artix. for example the xf86-video-intel package from artix is builded without the --enable-udev option because they use login:D and systemd-dummy libsystemd-dummy. We do not have any system:D components on Obarun. Mixing package from obarun and artix will not work as far as you know exactly what you are doing and i will not provide any support for people mixing it.
I'm sure about Obarun package, i'm not sure about Artix package,so...
I hope you understand my point of view.
Ahh, good to know. I thought because of the pkg naming being exactly the same it came straight from arch.
I will download the one you tell me above.

Thank you

PS Obarun is 1.3KB larger than Artix, so they are not the same, just the file name is.
I can see bubbles and marbles and all kinds of nice things. I should have given jwm a closer look.
As soon as I installed xf86-intel startx worked for the first time.
I am impressed, although the installation is not complete, it is running as I type from the live.
good to know.

Well, you are an another guy which complaint me about xf86-video-intel. This driver should be not necessary with mesa package, but apparently this driver is needed on some case. So i just added it on obarun-install-themes on git master branch. Just update the scripts when it ask you and the xf86-video-intel should be installed automatically.

Please, if you have some other trouble to install, leave this post and post on installation section , thanks.
Ok I am halfway there but the installation had a few errors in the very end.
I managed to chroot to it and fix grub and boots up but I can't upgrade/install
db messed up it seems
pacman -Sy
:: Synchronizing package databases...
error: failed retrieving file 'obarun.db' from [url=http://www.obarun.org]www.obarun.org[/url] : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed to update obarun (unexpected error)
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from archlinux.surlyjake.com : error setting certificate verify locations:
  CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  CApath: none
 core is up to date
error: failed retrieving file 'extra.db' from archlinux.surlyjake.com : error setting certificate verify locations:
  CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  CApath: none
 extra is up to date
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from archlinux.surlyjake.com : error setting certificate verify locations:
  CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  CApath: none
 community is up to date
I gave up, scraped it and reinstalled.
The second time it went well.
I used openbox and some LX-tools I am used to.
What's up with grub, this is no real grub ... I had to struggle and struggle with it.
About the ext2 warning, I rolled the dice and saw what would happen with ext4
No problem, yet.
If all the Arch repositories are active, how come things that exist in Arch can't be found?
I am trying to see how this happens.
And now I am going to do research on how to access AUR from obarun.

Ok, it was on the side of the difficult and long processes to install and log in, and the first linux to have grub give me such a hard time.
There is always joy in success, but this took a day overall.
eric wrote. Now you are into the new system (chroot), so you can install grub and handle it.
I now understand what you meant by host. The first install started well but for some reason towards the end it run into errors. I was asleep and when I woke up I saw the last few stages of the installation having red signs. Possibly something went on with the mirrors.

But grub, whether from chroot from the installer or other chroot, didn't fix grub. For some reason the kernel that comes with the installer will not boot and linux-zen although installed right grub would not pick it up. update-grub does not work on the obarun grub. Grub-install works but you have to edit the grub.cfg manually around that kernel to make it work.

I think something was left out of the package.
Sorry for my late reply, i was very busy with my day job.
If all the Arch repositories are active, how come things that exist in Arch can't be found?
# pacopts origin obarun
https://wiki.obarun.org/doku.php?id=pacopts# origin
this will give you what package come from a given repo. all repo declared at pacman.conf can be used as target :
# pacopts origin extra
hope that i understood your question correctly...
And now I am going to do research on how to access AUR from obarun.
you may have different way to accomplish this, can be :
  • pacopts aur
  • using cower directly
  • install yaourt
  • install every package you prefer to install aur package e.g pacaur
But grub, whether from chroot from the installer or other chroot, didn't fix grub. For some reason the kernel that comes with the installer will not boot and linux-zen although installed right grub would not pick it up. update-grub does not work on the obarun grub. Grub-install works but you have to edit the grub.cfg manually around that kernel to make it work.
Grub and kernel are not provided by obarun repo but by Archlinux repo, so classic package. The kernel installed by the installer is the last kernel found in Archlinux package, this package is not touched by obarun and the grub package too.
I cannot help you about grub because i don't know how to deal with it, i do not use it.
In all case the configuration for bootloader even if the syslinux package is used, need to be made by the user. This is specified by the installer when you try to install it :).

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