Hi everyone! I'm nonico.

I'm writing this from my fresh installation of Obarun with Openbox. I just finished the install and have booted into the desktop.

I just want to express my gratitude to the Obarun developer(s) for the incredible work they've done. I thoroughly enjoyed the installation process. :)

When Arch went with systemd, I went looking elsewhere...so it's been quite a while since I've used an Arch system. I'll have to familiarize myself all over once again. :p

Again, thank you for providing Obarun, and thanks to my friend fungalnet for making me aware of it. I'm really excited about this and look forward to learning more about your system and s6.

Take care!
You're welcome, thanks to use it :) and welcome here
Welcome firend,

I knew you would be excited that is why I insisted you try it.
I hope you will be able to make it your own soon :)
eric wroteYou're welcome, thanks to use it :) and welcome here
Thank you eric! I see that "YOU'RE THE MAN!" :D You've done incredible work!
fungalnet wrote
Welcome firend,

I knew you would be excited that is why I insisted you try it.
I hope you will be able to make it your own soon :)
Indeed! :D Getting the hang of this awesome kickshaw menu, and making it my own! ;)
If you search back, at that other place, you'll find that I told you about kicksaw when I discovered it.
I am using obmenu-generator in obarun though :)
As soon as I saw "Kickshaw" in Obarun, I remembered your previous mention of it. ;)

I've about gotten all that I want installed in Obarun, and I've enjoyed using Kickshaw so much that I really don't think I'll use Obmenu-generator in this installation.

2 months later
Hello all! If anyone remembers me, I installed Obarun a couple of months ago (?) and joined the forum...made a few posts...then disappeared.

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to use my 64 bit computer (that I had installed Obarun on) as a replacement for our family's computer. As such, I had to install a different system on it, because my family isn't used to using anything "Arch".

Since that happened, all that I have left is a 32 bit laptop. I realize Obarun is 64 bit only, but I was wondering how hard it would be to turn an Arch32 system into a pseudo-Obarun 32? Obarun was my first experience with s6, and if you recall, it had been quite some time since I had used an Arch system. Can anyone point me to any documents that may be of help?

Thanks for all that you do eric! If this doesn't work out, I look forward to the day when I can once again use Obarun! :)
As an experiment I say it might be worth the try, but Eric may be better in such advise as he probably knows instantly what may require 64bit support to convert.
Converting from a minimal arch to obarun is possible, I did it, look for that thread, there is a routine that Eric prescribed that made it easy.
I may have made the mistake to add a desktop (OB) before the conversion, while I believe if I had left it as a console only system then do the conversion then built it from there, it would have been easier.
Yes it was obarun, yes S6 worked, but all the other nice stuff that obarun has already in it when installed need step by step "fixing".
Call me a quitter, I give up easy, I didn't pursue it further. I may try again on 64bit.

My hunch? A 32bit Arch that has its init system replaced should work and can't think of anything within the S6 wardrobe that needs 64bit. I may be wrong. The rest of the obarun tools though most likely will not be all functional.

I'd hate to lose you though to a 32bit Arch minimal system with sysD. It is nothing like debian, it is like a dream of speed and simplicity. I take my hat off to Arch! They really know how to make debian look stupid.
Thanks guys. I had considered the dual boot option, but I rarely use the "family computer" due to my schedule.

I keep the old 32 bit laptop with me to use as time permits. Converting an Arch32 into an s6...and slaying the systemd dragon is what I would like to try if possible someday. It's a nice dream anyway. :)


Maybe I should just see if I can find a 64 bit computer cheap somewhere. ;)
It will be very difficult to turn Obarun on 32bit, cause of the number of packages to rebuild, that's mean all th repo obarun more some lib32 declared with system:D support.S6 doesn't care about 32 or 64 bit but a rebuild is needed too, in particular the skalibs librairy.
It may be more easier to make a dualboot or to use another system :).
Thank you eric and Contrepoison. After considering everything, I think this is more than I'm willing to chew on right now. :p As I said earlier then, I look forward to the day when I can once again use Obarun...

eric, I can only imagine all that you have to do to provide Obarun. Wow!!!

Contrepoison, I took French in high school (many years ago)...I leave you with this message (forgive me if it's not written correctly)...

Ma piscine est dans la poubelle. LOL! :D

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