ok I had to disable s6opts dhcpcd. Otherwise I can't connect with
# dhcpcd enp0s31f6
it will just write
sending commands to master dhcpcd process
which does nothing
i didn't said
# sudo su
# su
not the same thing

you misunderstood the s6opts operation, when you do "enable" , you start the daemon right now but it's enabled for every boot, you don't need to enable it again at every boot. So, when you reboot the dhcpcd daemon start automatically.
su is opening a shell as root (root password needed)
sudo is for users who have sudoers rights (look at your /etc/group add your username in wheel::...username)
when pacopts or yaourt asks you for a password they need your user password and your user has to be in wheel

Unless you are running a complex machine/network with many networking devices (multiple ethernet connections/cards..etc) that stupidity with the long interface names is only for the psychopaths who enjoy systemDom. They should all see a psychoanalyst immediately. How's that for neutral. RH doesn't cater to home users, only large corporations. .... ok I'm going off on a tangent now.

To get rid of those long interface names and you want the sanity of eth0 wlan0 back https://sysdfree.wordpress.com/117 so I don't have to type it in again. Very easy, permanent, If you have a non-integrated card and you open the box and switch to another position and turn it on again you may end up with another enp034s9jff9404 name, or if you switch to a different wifi dongle you'll get a new name for that too. With short names you get eth0 eth1 and rarely those two may switch around on you, hence the need of long unique names.
$ pacman -Qs connman
will tell you if you have connman installed. If you do and just want to use dhcp get rid of it, or get used to things being handled by connman who will do its best to provide you with a connection, if it is switched on. If you have a connman-gtk run it (as root first) and see what it is showing. But for a minimal no-X installation you don't have -gtk.
# s6opts enable connmand
will keep it always on. No connman do
# s6opts enable dhcpcd
as root or sudo
# s6opts enable dhcpcd
:: dhcpcd already exist at /etc/s6-serv/enabled/classic, do you want to synchronize it [y|n]
:: Already enabled, do you want to send a ALARM signal to dhcpcd? [y|n]
I hope this helps
# s6opts enable connmand
nope, connmand-s6rcserv is only one package on the repo and it's a s6-rc service, so to enable it
# s6opts update bundle-Connman
i didn't said

# sudo su

# su
not the same thing
ah # isn't equal to "sudo" if i'm not root? You want me to go root and then type "su".

ok when I type "su"as root nothing happens.
sorry, my fault
 $ su
so as normal user you type su. the su command ask to pass to root user, so the root password will be asked to be able to pass to root user. i want to know if you have a trouble with your authentification when you pass to root user.
you misunderstood the s6opts operation, when you do "enable" , you start the daemon right now but it's enabled for every boot, you don't need to enable it again at every boot. So, when you reboot the dhcpcd daemon start automatically.
no I know that it is enabled when I reboot. I will try as root now.
s6opts enable dhcpcd
Because I disabled it last time.
I but in "nameserver" in resolv.conf and it works.
I reboot the machine, login as root, resolv.conf is erased again. I put in "nameserver" again. It works! I will try as user now again.
Ok that works too after i put in "nameserver". Great! Only thing is the resolv.conf now, which gets erased every reboot. In the file itself it says
/etc/resolv.conf.head can replace this line
/etc/resolv.conf.tail can replace this line
does two files don't exist though. what else can overwrite it?
no problem :)
$ su
asks me for the root password, and after I type that in,I change to root without prpblems. I see, so pacopts asks me for my root password for certain packages and not for my user password?
pacman -Qs connman

local/connman 1.35-3

oh is this causing trouble? I didn't install it manually though. Maybe accident? I didn't see a process running with htop.
when pacopts or yaourt asks you for a password they need your user password and your user has to be in wheel
I'm not in that wheel it seems. Though Sudo asks me for my user password as well and that works.
that stupidity with the long interface names is only for the psychopaths who enjoy systemDom. They should all see a psychoanalyst immediately. How's that for neutral. RH doesn't cater to home users, only large corporations. .... ok I'm going off on a tangent now.
take it easy :) lol funny
Sorry, yes I forgot about the damn bundle, had me looking once for the right service name to enable.

You must be using some command to start the system
just add net.ifnames=0 at the end

linux	/boot/vmlinuz-linux-ck root=UUID=1234567890233456788954343333 rw net.ifnames=0 
If connman and connman-s6serv (or is it s6rcserv) is in your /var/cache/pacman/pkg then you can reisntall it after removing it, without being connected.
sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/connman*.xz 
will probably do it.
So if you do have the pkgs in cache remove it, if no network is connected reinstall them.
I see, so pacopts asks me for my root password for certain packages and not for my user password?
yes, you need root privilegies to install a packages, always...
Only thing is the resolv.conf now, which gets erased every reboot
try this command and tell me if at the next boot your resolv.conf has overwritten.
# chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
Be aware, this is a write protection that's mean that even network manager (connman, networkmanager) cannot write the file. Refer here for futher informations : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Resolv.conf# Modify_the_dhcpcd_config
oh is this causing trouble? I didn't install it manually though. Maybe accident? I didn't see a process running with htop.
connman is installed but the daemon is not enabled, so no conflict here :).
linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux-ck root=UUID=1234567890233456788954343333 rw net.ifnames=0
ro on obarun, not rw
Though Sudo asks me for my user password as well and that works.
sudo mean superuser do, it's mean root, so when you ask for sudo some_command without specifing the user to use, the root password is asked. if you do something like
$ sudo -U obarun echo blabla
the obarun user password will be asked.
Sorry, yes I forgot about the damn bundle, had me looking once for the right service name to enable.

You must be using some command to start the system
just add net.ifnames=0 at the end


linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux-ck root=UUID=1234567890233456788954343333 rw net.ifnames=0

I'm sorry i'm confused, It this to get rid of long device names?
I see, so pacopts asks me for my root password for certain packages and not for my user password?

yes, you need root privilegies to install packages, always...
Yes...but it is still weird, I show you what I mean:

I'm logged in as a user, I do:
Sudo pacman -S ponysay
It asks me for my user password not root password. If I didn't get the user password right, it says "Sorry, try again."

If I do
sudo pacopts aur -I brave
it says: "You must be run this options without root privilegies"
very funny sentence btw :D

if I type
pacopts aur -I brave
The machine does so many things: builds, makes, does security check, checking for package issues, compresses (takes like 5minutes) and then near the end it writes:
: : Install brave

I type in my user password, it says:
su: Authentication failure
and aborts the installation, no "Sorry try again" :/
Because in this case you have to type in the root password. I find this weird, at least it could tell me, that it needs the root password.

:) just my thoughts
I'm sure
# chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
would have worked. I did myself some research and this(write protection)solution came up along with "nohook resolv.conf" in dhcpcd.conf, and the one I'm using right now: I created "resolv.conf.head" with 3 nameserver entries.

Works flawlessly.

I read like 35 forum posts and went to the wiki of dhcpcd and resolv.conf but I still have no idea what finds out the dns automatically. I will do a fresh minimal install on another pc soon to see if it works "out the box". :)

thx again for your time and effort eric, fungal. I enjoy this forum a lot :)
It asks me for my user password not root password. If I didn't get the user password right, it says "Sorry, try again."
this depends of your /etc/sudoers configuration file. Personnaly, i prefer to use root password, this avoids this kind of confusion.
Refer here : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Sudo# Root_password
it says: "You must be run this options without root privilegies"
very funny sentence btw big_smile
So, in fact, pacopts aur is made to build package and the building process need to be made by normal user, so no root here. At the end pacopts ask for the installation of the package, so root privilegies is needed for pacman.
and aborts the installation, no "Sorry try again" hmm
Good remark, i will change this behaviour
thx again for your time and effort eric
you're welcome
eric wrote
linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux-ck root=UUID=1234567890233456788954343333 rw net.ifnames=0
ro on obarun, not rw
How do you get grub to produce the correct syntax then, all this time I have just used what grub produced and it seemed always being rw.
I've tried to read about the difference and neither s6 or runit explain much in this respect and the best reading I got on init systems in general is from Steve Litt http://www.troubleshooters.com

Like JH said, there is too much confusion!
I got some feedback from the runit guy in Artix about the same issue, inquiring if runit-artix needed ro as well, and he referred me to this:
From what I got in this post, if the kernel parameter is set to ro, init will do fsck. However, since by default mkinitcpio/initramfs included the fsck hook, setting the kernel parameter to ro will make it redundant because essentially you're running fsck twice. Of course, this depends on your setup.
Sorry I am not taking easy advise on face value and researching certain things, but I always found the initial steps of a system a fascinating subject.

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