
you can find on github and the repo svopts-obarun

it's a simple script to provide the possibility to enable a service by :
$ svopts enable cups
same thing for disable

it's more practice than
$ ln -s /etc/sv/cups /var/service
you can configure the directory where the script create the service by editing the file /etc/runit/svopts/svopts.conf
5 days later
A new option was added on this package. You can now create a service and edit files directly. The scripts create files in /etc/sv and /var/log with the name than you have define.

Example :
$ svopts create cups
This command create the directory /etc/sv/cups and the directory /var/log/cups. You will find in /etc/sv/cups the files run,finish,check, the directory /etc/sv/log with the file run and the directory /var/log/cups with the file config. All those directories and files are the correct permissions directly. After creating those files and directories, the script allow you to edit all the files

If you find a bugs, please report it at the forum thanks.
14 days later
A new features was added on this package. You have now the auto-completion with zsh available

enjoy it :)
14 days later
A new features was added, you can now edit files of existing service

Example :
$ svopts edit cups

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