I tried to connect to an AP with wpa_supplicant using the obarun live ISO installed on a USB flash drive (both 2017-11 and 2018-05), and it doesn't connect, with reason=CONN_FAILED or reason=WRONG_KEY, even when using the configuration on my current system (which works fine).
It does work with an “old” arch ISO I have on a DVD.
I have tried with different Wi-Fi cards (including USB ones).
Do you know why this might happen or how I could debug it further?
do you have wpa_supplicant service running?
if yes, what do you have in log output?
eric wrotedo you have wpa_supplicant service running?
if yes, what do you have in log output?
I started wpa_supplicant with
wpa_supplicant -B -C/var/run/wpa_supplicant -i<interface>
, then I used wpa_cli to connect.
Even using
wpa_supplicant -B -c/mnt/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -i<interface>
after mounting my system root on /mnt doesn't work, while it works fine on my system.

I could try pasting the log using an ethernet connection, where is it supposed to be located?
Apparently the problem was that I started wpa_supplicant manually while the service was active, so two wpa_supplicant-s were started at the same time.

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