Last Update: 2018-05-24 17:10 UTC


OS Type: Linux
Based on: Arch
Origin: Switzerland
Architecture: x86_64
Desktop: JWM
Category: Desktop, Live Medium
Status: Active
Popularity: Not ranked

Obarun is an Arch Linux based distribution featuring the S6 init software in place of systemd. Obarun provides a live disc featuring the JWM graphical interface. Utilities, such as pacopts, are included for working with Arch's repositories, including the Arch User Repository (AUR).

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 0 (0), 6 months: 0 (0), 3 months: 0 (0), 4 weeks: 0 (0), 1 week: 0 (0)

Visitor rating: No visitor rating given yet. Rate this project.
why is system:D in the list of packages?
  • [deleted]

  • Edited
Gratulacja :)

It's been a few months since I supported and followed Obarun distributions on distrowatch waiting list, glade to see Obarun is now in the main list.

Long life for Obarun and S6 :)
getting anything on distrowatch is pretty satisfying, but suppose this added 50 obarun users over 3 weeks-- what would you use them for?

or same question, with 5 extra developers rather than 50 users. what do you want for obarun that it doesnt have already? "more recognition" counts, though i figure its more than that.

or if 50 people lined up at your door to hear a message from you about obarun, what would you tell them? or ask? these are silly questions maybe, though virtually everything im happy about started out with silly questions.
*sigh* i meant quote, not report, sorry (im sure it will be obvious to bit)
That's why I don't think that "Obarun" will "use" users. Those who want to contribute will do so, those who want to use Obarun will do so, those who do not care will go their way. And that's good as it is smile
well i said it was a silly question, but youre probably right!
La liberté d’expression et de la pensée sont importantes, surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de paroles ou de pensées avec lesquelles nous sommes en désaccord. Le moment où la majorité décide d'anéantir le peuple pour son engagement dans la pensée, même répugnante, le crime d'opinion devient une réalité.
tellement vrai
@ Contrepoison
well said.

@ what would you use them for?
I do not hope anything from user even in the life, i do not hope anything from people, when i share something i do it without hoping anything in return, i share it just for the pleasure to share, that's all. As Contrepoison said, if people want to contribute, welcome, if not, welcome :).

@ what do you want for obarun that it doesnt have already?
More time to develop some tools like 66...

@ what would you tell them? or ask?
Congratulations :)

Obarun is very differently perceived already:
With its excellent support and open-minded community, you definitely should try a run and feel it yourself.
Issues: Small userbase (No Support)
Lack of documentation
mpd and emacs require libsystemd? what?!
XD quite funny
I was on Distrowatch again today.

As I remember the installer, you could chose many other WM/DE (Gnome, Openbox etc.) than JWM. I would expand that list.

Or is there a reason only JWM is written down?
I think that is what the live comes with, so jwm is the default in a way. I think anyone who knows arch knows what they can install. Anyone who doesn't know Arch will probably have more problems than installing a desktop.
In a way I didn't know arch either, I knew manjaro-openrc, then artix, then obarun. In a way it is all one big happy family. :)

The wiki I was ready to say shows you what you can do
Maybe the window of the wm/de list should be displayed in the wiki-installation section?

It is better than other distributions that list desktop environments that don't work and have been abandoned for years. In vector I was almost cursed at because I inquired why openbox wasn't working and why there were no posts on this old thread of people trying to make it work. They only said I was necro-bumping an old thread. Still distrowatch shows openbox as one of the de they support, and if that doesn't work lxde and lxqt will not work either.
Yeah but Openbox does work with Obarun, doesn't it? Yeah sure Distrowatch should be up to date when it comes to stuff that works, doesn't work.
7 days later
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Who is in charge to update Obarun distrowatch page ? I can help if it's necessary.
Who is in charge to update Obarun distrowatch page ? I can help if it's necessary.
please contact Contrepoison
10 days later

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