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So, what we can do ?

The first thing would be to disable speck from the kernel and manually rebuilt it. But for me it's not enough. Unlike the majority who already seem to have forgotten Edward Snowden disclosures, but not only, I DO NOT FORGET.

So I decided to clone the linux git repo and remove one by one all the speck commits. I will provide patches for kernel v4.17 that can be applied for linux and linux-rt PKGBUILD.

In the meantime you can block the linux and linux-headers update in the pacman.conf file:

Edit pacman.conf file, at the line IgnorePkg =
linux linux-headers
Are you saying that speck is only on 17 and 4.16 is safe?
Good work, thank you.
  • [deleted]

fungalnet wroteAre you saying that speck is only on 17 and 4.16 is safe?
thx jean-michel. appreciate it.

goddamn it linus. This pisses me off.

On a side node about snowden, did you hear what mcafee had to say about him? https://youtu.be/WBgFGwJA1D0?t=41m38s I found his perspective interesting.

On a double side node. How can we be sure there is not already a backdoor in the kernel?
we don't know
we are still digesting what is going on with spectre and meltdown, are you satisfied with the measures/patches?
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Nic wroteHow can we be sure there is not already a backdoor in the kernel?
Until now it was a matter of trust, integrity, etc..
But now for me, all of this is broken.

The worm is in the linux kernel, it is urgent to have an alternative to the linux kernel. HURD, are you here and ready ?
we don't know
we are still digesting what is going on with spectre and meltdown, are you satisfied with the measures/patches?
didn't look into it much, i just updated bios, but I read that linus called the patch "stupid fix".

I just found this https://github.com/kkamagui/shadow-box-for-x86
And I'm watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=HMzODnrgQHY
Maybe something worth considering.
The worm is in the linux kernel, it is urgent to have an alternative to the linux kernel. HURD, are you here and ready ?
An alternative...bsd kernel?
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Ok, last news.

Patches are done, everything about speck has been removed in my linux-nospeck-4.17 kernel.
Time to use the patches in PKGBUILD, build the kernel and make a test inside my VM.
Patches are done, everything about speck has been removed in my linux-nospeck-4.17 kernel.
Time to use the patches in PKGBUILD, build the kernel and make a test inside my VM.
wow that was fast, nice. Could you put in shadowbox kernel module as well?
its difficult to keep these things in perspective, because if you try to take something hysterical and talk it down, you look like the bad guy.

im not a security expert, i do find these stories interesting (in practical terms, not just intellectually) and im NOT saying this is no cause for concern. it is definitely cause for concern! the only question is how much.

as mark shuttleworh disingenuously tried to say once: "dont trust us? we have root!" he was implying that canonical doesnt need a backdoor-- because they already have total control of the repositories.

if you want to be upset, be upset about the backdoors that intel builds right into your firmware-- which dont care what operating system you have. be upset that the linux kernel isnt as secure as bsd-- its not. we are 100% of the time (except those who use bsd) choosing the convenience of the linux kernel over the relative security of bsd.

because security is about choices. you can have the most secure laptop in the entire world, leave it in your hotel room-- theres no compromise like physical access. someone can slide a device right into one of your ports, and the best software in the world wont matter.

backdoors are bad, we should fight them. including this one.

writing a new operating system kernel every time a kernel gets compromised is silly for a few reasons. its going to be a long time (years) before most kernels can be vouched for in comparable security terms. dos doesnt need a backdoor, its completely open. windows doesnt need a backdoor, though i guess it probably has several for convenience-- microsoft has full write access to the system.

like shuttleworth they have root, and like shuttleworth they have abused it to the point where they should not be trusted again.

and the same goes for the person who wrote this kernel patch, this is why its good to keep track of security issues.

but a critical vulnerability and a backdoor are the same thing in practical terms, and critical vulnerabilities (and backdoors) need to be fixed.

but if youre going to give up on the kernel (and every distro that uses it) just to pick some random alternative (im not dissing hurd. ive never read its authors bragging about its robust security as-is) could be like moving from a house of sticks to a house of straw just because the sticks were blown down.

backdoor or not, the linux kernel remains one of the more secure kernels out there. because if the kernel has a backdoor... the solution is to simply "remove it."

the solution for most other kernels is not that simple-- we dont know a lot about the security of the hurd. (though now i am curious.)

most of you dont have the skill to remove a serious kernel flaw, and i dont either. but if youre actually serious about security, you find the people who can fix it and you get the fixed version, and avoid the compromised version.

there are very few kernels that even have that option. hurd gets fixed and maintained less than the linux kernel. i seriously, seriously, seriously doubt that using hurd will give you better security.

and im pro-other-kernels, it irritates me that systemd only cares about linux. i tried kfreebsd when systemd came in. i decided i wanted better hardware support. thats why we choose linux over bsd mostly-- linux has got better hardware support.

switch to bsd if you want, its a truly fantastic kernel, its security is way better than linux. youll probably be disappointed that a lot of its development was funded by the us department of defense. which doesnt mean its not a good kernel-- its almost certainly better with better security. backdoors? couldnt tell you. im going to guess it has fewer vulnerabilities, better design.

security is a higher priority for bsd. but i use gnu+linux, where security is-- whats the security-related phrase we all know: "pretty good."

should you think i dont take this seriously, the first thing i did (before i typed the 8th paragraph) is run uname -a:

Linux [hostname] 4.12.13_1 # 1 SMP PREEMPT [clock needs to be set] i686 GNU/Linux

am i concerned? of course. its just about how much concern is the right amount. you can have just as much concern as you want, i want to try to turn my concern into a practical response.

kernel hopping could be that response for some people, if they choose that i hope they make a choice based on secure design, as well as good developer intentions-- not just good intentions and unrealistic expectations.

backdoors are bad, but a mountain of vulnerabilities provides a pretty good backdoor too.
jean-michel wroteOk, last news.

Patches are done, everything about speck has been removed in my linux-nospeck-4.17 kernel.
Time to use the patches in PKGBUILD, build the kernel and make a test inside my VM.
awesome, good work. whether thats for you or for the official obarun build, you just became (or already were) one more person that can help. compiling kernels is still something that i dont mess with. distro modification is something i didnt bother with until 2 years ago.
fungalnet wroteIt seems as the NSA has been the primary force proposing what is “pretty good” encryption and what is not.
you can really take things out of context and twist peoples words. i didnt say that speck was "pretty good," i said it was a backdoor we should remove.

i thought it was obvious that "pretty good" security was a reference to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy

i was giving you credit when i assumed you would get that-- i gave too much. its going to be a long, tedious day, isnt it? honestly, its like having a rash.
The article has nothing to do with what you said, I actually didn't even look at what you said, nor will I be interested now.
Taking things out of context? Whose context?
alright, my mistake-- george harrison wrote an entire song without realising it was "hes so fine", i guess that people can be accidentally quoted. carry on, then!
6 days later
Arch discussion of the issue: Will Arch enable Speck in kernel 4.17? Should it?
Package content can be found at: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/core/x86_64/linux/
Module name: speck

Options of blacklisting:

1) In file /etc/pacman.conf, add:
NoExtract = /usr/lib/modules/*/kernel/crypto/speck.ko.xz

2) Add to your bootloader's kernel line: modprobe.blacklist=speck

3) Create file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf with:
# Do not load the 'speck' module on boot.
install speck /bin/false
blacklist speck

Also, to check if the module speck is blasklited or not, run in the terminal:
lsmod | grep speck
ray wroteArch discussion of the issue: Will Arch enable Speck in kernel 4.17? Should it?
Package content can be found at: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/core/x86_64/linux/
Module name: speck

Options of blacklisting:

1) In file /etc/pacman.conf, add:
NoExtract = /usr/lib/modules/*/kernel/crypto/speck.ko.xz

2) Add to your bootloader's kernel line: modprobe.blacklist=speck

3) Create file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf with:
# Do not load the 'speck' module on boot.
install speck /bin/false
blacklist speck

Also, to check if the module speck is blasklited or not, run in the terminal:
lsmod | grep speck
Thx Ray, I put 1 and 2 in. And will update now. appreciated.
Hello Eric,

linux 4.17.2 with 'speck' controversy is come and before decision of what to do: don't upgrade, upgrade, build custom or use custom kernel, I would like to know Obarun's creator, developer and maintainer point of view and proposal about it.

@ dvam
hum, this is really depends of the user. This is a modules, so you can choose to use it or not.
If you want my personnal view, i don't use it. The best solution is what @ jean-michel does,it mean,recompiling the kernel without it, but @ ray use an efficient and simple way.
Personnaly i've blacklisted the module(i use the same than the third option of @ ray), because it avoids me to rebuild the kernel which it's can be very annoying due of the number of update per month.

So you have a choice :
update it and use it
update it and block the modules
build your own

This is up to you, i can't force anyone to a solution

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