Today June 21, 2018 is born Obarun on ARMv7 code name OOAA

Double café, double sucre pour tout le monde !
Double café, double sucre pour tout le monde !
I was looking for my Cubieboard2 and Cubietruck (A20) a distribution without systemd, but none of them really convinced me. So I came up with an idea, take as a basis Arch ARM distribution, remove completely systemd/libsystemd, compile S6 suite, rebuild/build all necessary softwares coming from Obarun. All the work to be done without breaking the current system and boot until next reboot with S6.ray wroteWell done! How have you managed this? What are device and original os?
I would have to do some research in my work. This is a version built for Armv7h.Nic wroteflameshot works? it's dead for me, did you do something to it?
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