Successful Open Source Communities
by this, we should be using systemd.

open source "success" is based on similar measures as corporate success-- marketshare, "interoperability" and "enterprise." its got nothing to do with more complete goals. in fact it treats goals as the problem-- if you have solid goals youre not "compromising," you can always accomplish "more" if your goals are less idealistic. personally i find that very cynical.

red hat is the best example, canonical want to be red hat though arent.

whenever theres a story, "open source" flocks towards the "brave" or "exciting" efforts to make things more like redmond, cupertino, silicon valley, and the neckbeards dont.

by open source measures, neckbeards "dont understand success" but imo, they just define it differently.

its apple(tm) and oranges. it starts with "we want to do 'as well' as our 'competitors'", then "we need to do what theyre doing," then evetually we might as well be them.

aka "why are you using linux, thats what wsl is for."
techrights is constantly following the companies related to their patent lawsuits. while they claim to be playing nice, all any of this is really about is getting people who dont (and obviously cant) "own linux" to "admit" that "yes, this is microsofts 'property'"

and then when everyone has signed those agreements, to sue more companies that sell physical products that have "linux" on them, making it one more product they can collect rent on.

your link to tom tom is of course, one of the more famous examples of that plan.
Years later, Microsoft still hasn't sued, but instead plods away at convincing the world, one patent cross-licensing agreement at a time, that everyone, everywhere owes it money for alleged violations of its IP in Linux.
this is from the 2010 article you linked, though its basically what im saying in 2018. whats changed is that with nadella, microsoft appears to have moved from simply attacking to "occupying" competitor territory: android, red hat, wsl, canonical.

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