under my research to make obarun from scratch i found this : http://minimal.linux-bg.org/.
This is very simple and very interesting approch about linux system. Make test is very easy and it's a good practice to understand a system from boot to console.

To work properly you need to install cpio and cdrkit. You need to copy /usr/lib/initcpio/bios/{isolinux.bin,ldlinux.c32} to /usr/lib/initcpio or make a symlinks.

modify the /work/kernel/linux-4.1.6/arch/x86/boot/makefile section isoimage as following
isoimage: $(obj)/bzImage
	-rm -rf $(obj)/isoimage
	mkdir $(obj)/isoimage
	for i in lib lib64 share end ; do \
		if [ -f /usr/$$i/syslinux/isolinux.bin ] ; then \
			cp /usr/$$i/syslinux/{isolinux.bin,ldlinux.c32} $(obj)/isoimage ; \
			break ; \
		fi ; \
		if [ $$i = end ] ; then exit 1 ; fi ; \
	cp $(obj)/bzImage $(obj)/isoimage/linux
	echo '$(image_cmdline)' > $(obj)/isoimage/isolinux.cfg
	if [ -f '$(FDINITRD)' ] ; then \
		cp '$(FDINITRD)' $(obj)/isoimage/initrd.img ; \
	genisoimage -J -r -o $(obj)/image.iso -b isolinux.bin -c boot.cat \
		-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
	isohybrid $(obj)/image.iso 2>/dev/null || true
	rm -rf $(obj)/isoimage
So you are tempted to create your own distro?
It's a big task...

Found an interesting article about the Linux init process: https://notehub.org/fketl
It talks about runits' flaw of starting processes sequentially and not in parallel.

In order to overcome this OpenRC is used.
IMHO it's a good way to avoid systemd but have the same parallelism (boot speed).

Take care
klaatu wroteHello,
So you are tempted to create your own distro?
It's a big task...
i think about it for a while now and i work about it time to time but it is not on my TODO list for the moment :).
klaatu wrote Found an interesting article about the Linux init process: https://notehub.org/fketl
It talks about runits' flaw of starting processes sequentially and not in parallel.
thanks for sharing
klaatu wrote IMHO it's a good way to avoid systemd but have the same parallelism (boot speed).
some other init system are interesting, i think about S6 http://skarnet.org/software/s6/. it's very very interesting because this soft is in the line of in the line of daemontools and runit. So integrate it on runit it's much easier and the compatibility is full :).

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