Oh my I just did something stupid I guess >_>"
I upgraded pipewire and pulseaudio to Jean's testing repo and removed rtkit for bugging me about system updates, I guess I shouldve blocked it instead...now I can't install it back because it has the dependency and this just plain broke KDE and SDDM hahaha...
(writing from JWM)
27K Feb 7 05:39 /var/cache/pacman/pkg/rtkit-0.11+10+g493a135-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

I am not sure if this is it or not, it is only 27K
I can probably attach it in an email and send it to you :)

I think this is it, it is the newest one I have and says obarun in pkginfo
Thank you very much for the file fungal, very much appreciated! I decided to wipe my root instead though. (I do that quite often). This led me to believe that the current ISO (Obarun_x86_64-2019-02-r1.iso) may be broken because of this new update. The only possible install would be minimal for me. When choosing any DE the script will try to pull rtkit it seems.
The install script bails out with the following error:
:: rtkit-s6serv can not be installed by pacman or AUR helper
This happened after a complete wipe and set up of the disk, including repartioning and reformatting and including several tries with different options. The error occured with any DE, be it JWM, XFCE or KDE (actually forgot to test Openbox).
I had to do the minimal install and then install JWM separately after booting into the fresh system.
1 since neither rtkit or rtkit-s6serv (the service file of rtkit) exist it is expected to get this error. That is not a problem.
2 The temporary solution would be to still use the old rtkit
3 You said yesterday jwm worked without rtkit, and it does for me today and openbox. I actually I had removed the damn thing and re-installed it and checked it to make sure it was the correct one before I sent it to you.
4 Artix just released their 0.12 version in testing/gremlins repository. It is not installable with s6, it drags the whole artix show with it (runit or openrc, elogind, libelogind, libeudev, etc).
4.1 edited:
You can install this using # pacman -Udd rtkit..... and risk something breaking because it is lacking its elogind libraries ????

5 I think the removal of it from the repositories was premature without a fix. I would call it rtkit-dummy and leave it in there for the dependencies.
i think you forgot something : https://repo.obarun.org/archives
you have all you needs
the change on the obarun-install-themes will happen tomorrow because i'm currently managing the installer to be able to use 66, i hope to provide the ISO tomorrow too
Was this "27K Feb 7 05:39 /var/cache/pacman/pkg/rtkit-0.11+10+g493a135-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz"
from the [66] repository? It is not in the archives and that is what I sent marianarlt
How is it that kde-plasma is dependent on rtkit?
I looked at plasma-desktop and there is no such dependency, I tried on artix to install it to see if it is an indirect dependency and a ton of stuff wanted to install but rtkit wasn't one of them, neither did sddm have such a dependency.
All we have is your word that removing rtkit breaks it. # pactree -r rtkit shows no such dependent package.

What's going on?
I'm currently at work. Will try to elaborate on this later today. To me it seems to be connected rather to the Qt issues some people have had. Seriously though, I habe no clue. And it seems super weird to me that the install script fails because of the rtkit-s6serv.
the install script fails because of the rtkit-s6serv
This was explained earlier, since rtkit and rtkit-s6serv don't exist in the repository they have to be removed from the install-script.
The advanced options lead to an area of selecting packages to be installed. In there you have to remove or comment those two.

But this is irrelevant to why plasma failed and how that relates to rtkit.
Ah sorry, I didn't pay attention I suppose. That's great to understand.
I actually think there's no point in trying to find out why KDE broke. I didn't really bother to debug, just viewed the logs and couldn't find anything unusual actually, but I didn't pay too much attention either. After removing rtkit there was an update during the same session where only Qt apps were involved, maybe that was a bad mix. I'm currently rather focusing on a fresh install and my weird boot up bug, that's why I stumbled over the script issue, which I'm glad I did because you just explained it in very few words :)
  • [deleted]

After removing rtkit there was an update during the same session where only Qt apps were involved, maybe that was a bad mix
Really bad luck, you just fell during the time where Qt5 was updated on Arch to a newly version and obarun was recompiling qt5-base. That was exactly the cause of your KDE problem.

I can recommend you to uncomment the option "VerbosePkgLists" in your /etc/pacman.conf. This will allow you to see from which repo the binaries come from, especially for Qt5.
Thanks for verifying this Jean Michel. And the info about the pacman option is also appreciated.
11 days later
Will the systemd free rtkit eventually make it into [obcore]?

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