Lxterminal, which I have used in all distros for years, has not changed in 6 months.
All of a sudden when multiple tabs are open within the terminal and I close one by hitting the x at the edge of the tab, the whole terminal with all of its tabs closes down. In one instance all lxterminals closed, not just the one that I was closing the tab down.
I reported this in the arch forum and haven't gotten any feedback yet, but I investigated a little deeper and found there were recent changes in the vte files that lxterminal is using.
It seems that in other distros vte3 is not necessary (I believe this is gtk3 version of the vte pkg). So I reverted back to a version 2 updates earlier 0.52. instead of the the last 2 0,54s and the problem went away.

So I am wondering why this is, and why is arch making a simple thing complicated. Why is the move to gtk3 stuff so important? Is it wayland related, making sure it will all work with wayland?

The problem was there in arch, artix, and obarun, and the solution also applies everywhere.
Void has the same package without making vte3 necessary. No problem with lxterminal in void. Hmmmm......!!!!!
Sorry for my late answer
Gtk2 will be deprecated in moment or another, so step by step API using gtk2 need to pass to gtk3. but i'm agree, i thinks it's a little to early to pass to gtk3. Currently, if i do not make mistake desktop like xfce don't migrate entirely to gtk3.
The transition between two major release is always a problem because nobody at the same pace to make the necessary change. That what you hint with lxterminal...
We have a another example : python2 . fedora just announced that they are removing python2 on-or-before the EOL date,i think you can prepare yourself on arch too ...
The sad realization is that arch is no longer sticking to its principles, of keeping things simple and as barebones as possible. Why would void have the same package without vte3 and arch force it to depend on vte3? Same reason I think arch moved to systemd. Direction directed by marketing assumptions.
4 days later
The archers notified lxde/lxterminal developers and asked them to comply with the new vte3 and they changed it. So those using it will get the new stuff from testing now, from stable later.

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