Greets. eilenbeb here.

Got wine up and running by adding --disable-udev to the PKGbuild of lib32-libusb but that seems kinda hackish. Next project is to create a lib32-eudev-obarun PKGBUILD. Would be nice to see such a thing in the Obarun repo. Mutlilib is still a ways out I guess, tho.

Also found lots of systemd stuff creeping into my filesystem so I added a lot more NoExtract= to my /etc/pacman.conf. Including /lib32. Seems to be working.

Still new to this s6 thing but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it.

Heh, long-winded anyone? Intro over.

hi and welcome
Next project is to create a lib32-eudev-obarun PKGBUILD. Would be nice to see such a thing in the Obarun repo
Sorry but Obarun don't support 32 bits system, but as you do, you can make your own system around it. We are a build concept, so make what you need/want...
Either hyperbola or parabola, I always mix the two up - wonder why -, I think, are still struggling in keeping an arch based 32bit system going. One is libre that other not so libre ;)

You may want to look it up and combine their repositories with Obarun if you can.. I remember Eric responding to similar inquiry before specifying that parts of s6 are 64bit only, so they will not work on a strict 32bit system only. There use to be arch-openrc-32bit I believe, and that aging repository is still functional I believe but no longer updated. You better find it and copy it while it lasts. Look it up in the Artix forum, the continuation of Arch and Manjaro OpenRC.

It is getting hard enough for me to struggle with older 2-4 core 64bit systems but I find the 32bit cause a noble one.
Specifically I have a 4core Amd-Phenom that only seems to work well with Obarun with 4.14-lts kernel, anything newer fails. It is wearing me out because it worked fine a few months ago and the trouble is in X territory. So, I assume it is all the x-server crap that changed that hit its sensitive spot. We are pushed on one side from hw firmware getting obsolete according to the kernel gurus, from the other side of firmware not yet being available or -free (without the non- in front) ... I am just waiting for Linus to be bought by Nokia or something and produce a Linux only pc and kernel only for Nokia-linux. Something with fully functional audio, wifi, printer, scanner,
Sorry, maybe I wasn't being clear. 64bit only. Was talking about -multilib- repo. Only care about it for wine. Just threw out my last 32bit box, ancient, kept around only for old dos/win games. Dosbox does well enough.

There is an Archlinux-32 thing somewhere, had to use it once. Made a 32bit linux usb boot stick for when I gotta skyjack old boxes...

And, yeah. Newer kernel's giving some minor probs, some kind of 'unhandled irq vector' warning during initramdrv startup. Annoying but seems to be harmless so far. Might be a hardware thing.

Greets eric and fungalnet. Gonna work on that PKGBUILD at some point, wine is still complaining that it can't find udev. Works fine, tho. Well enough to play Skyrim, anyways.

Thanks for reminding me; I built an Obarun64 usb boot stick but totally forgot to include firmware.

One last thing, I understand fully why there's no multilib suppport in Obarun: too much effort. If I get bored I might start working on it but I can't host any servers with my ISP. Hell, (so far) it's only one package anyways.

Damn. Shouldnt've posted yet. Get dyslexic(sp?) when I'm tired. Read and think out-of-order. Sorry and greets.

on your /etc/pacman.conf just uncomment the following repository
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
You can also try artix multilib
SigLevel = Never
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Or go through their repositories manually at:

I thought you were talking about a whole 32bit installation. Some people like 32bit distributions on 64bit systems. I have heard arguments for and against them. Beware that artix may not be using systemd but they have a dummy libsystemd pkg and elogind (a piece of systemd) in their system.

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